
Scorpio September


The Sun transit of your 11th House brings the areas of friendships, VIPs and groups to which you belong into the spotlight this month, Scorpio. After a long hiatus (where friends, love and socializing are presented) you should be ready to get into the groove, personally and professionally this month. A Leo and an Aquarius can be very helpful when it comes to career and professional areas this month. A Leo provides good insight while an Aquarius will prove to be a loyal confidante. The month begins with Venus (Love) in Virgo, which is also ruled by your 11th House. Expect the issues of friendships, gatherings and your personal hopes and dreams to be of prime concern to you this month. The month demands idealism and asks you to stick to your principals and don't settle when it comes to your absolute bottom line, Scorpio. Also this transit will bring about a surge in your professional life.
There will be more than one lucrative assignment headed your way, courtesy of Leo in your career House. Public recognition is a distinct possibility. Good news, Scorpio. Your ruling planet, Pluto, turns direct in the sign of Capricorn mid month, on 9/16.This direct transit of Pluto functions at a powerful level whenever it moves forward. All planets do. Additionally, Mars (Action), your co-ruler enters your 10th House of prestige and career prospects on 9/18 - 11/11 that are serious and prosperous. You are being watched and admired by powerful, prestigious individuals who are pioneers in their professions and careers. Those in power are recognizing your efforts and are noticing your talents and capabilities. If they only knew how burned out you might be feeling and stressed to the max where you career and social life are involved.
You need to find a balance as the pace will pick up considerably on 9/18 and will last in your career house for until November. Watch your career and you should have an excellent idea of where you want to grow and where you fit in. On 9/14, Venus (Love) and Mercury (Expert Communications) enter the loving and love oriented sign of Libra where they remain until 10/14. Whenever Venus and Mercury connect in Libra, you can expect the benefits that come with these personal and intimate planets to be working at maximum efficiency. Your creativity could expand in ways you never dreamed possible, Scorpio. You could be reorganizing your office, working on a passion such as writing, art, music, a website or a blog, photography or anything else that appeals to your creative side.
Exponential growth this month and throughout this transit promotes your best side being shown to others and possibly surprise even you, Scorpio. Single Scorpios -Jupiter (luck) is retrograde in your 7th House of marriage and seriously committed relationships. This transit can prompt you to rethink, review and look at the big picture in your love life. Are you sabotaging yourself?
Hooking up with all the wrong people? Ask yourself a big question this month as well. Am I truly over my past, emotional betrayals and all? This is a time when you are being required to look into a mirror and study the real you, Scorpio. If you're single, maybe it's time to ask yourself why and be prepared to confront some aspects of your personality that might seem too demanding to others. If they only know how sensitive you really are. But you ARE a Scorpio, and others find you mysterious even when you might not want to be perceived this way. Realize it's part of your charm and appeal, Scorpio. Coupled Scorpios will evaluate past relationships while simultaneously wanting to keep a commitment going. Scorpios in relationships are quite content this month to go to gatherings and have date nights, (especially at home). These interactions bring some spice and conversation that will stimulate and cement your relationship.
Full Moon: September 12th in Pisces brings possible news about children, an ongoing romance, a creative project or whatever you do for fun, Scorpio. There could be a conflict between your head and your heart. A Cancer and a Capricorn could play roles.

New Moon: September 27th in Libra brings unexpected opportunities your way. You gain through friendships and networking on this day. Make sure you avoid isolation. You also gain monetarily from mixing and mingling with friends, past, present and future.This is a month for Scorpio to find balance. Feeling overworked and overstressed? Try to take a mystical or unconventional approach to your health and wellness. The benefits of tweaking your diet will make you look more attractive, especially where a Virgo and a Pisces are involved.  

Lucky colors: Grey, red and black with stripes
Most compatible signs: Leo and Aquarius