
Aries July Forecast

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball

The Sun transits your 4th House of home, family, the past and motherhood this month, Aries. You notice that these areas will be highlighted and take on importance throughout the month. July is significant in that there will be many changes. Venus has resumed direct motion in Gemini, making you feel much more secure in love and knowing exactly where you stand this month, for better or for worse.

A full Moon occurs on July 3rd in Capricorn. Capricorn rules your career and since Pluto is forming a conjunction to this full Moon, expect to hear news regarding your job, career or something involving authority figures. This might initially jolt you but you will ultimately find that it's a grounding and humbling experience, Aries.You could clash with a boss or find that power struggles occur somewhere in your life on this day. Mark it on your calendar, Aries. The first half of July will hum along at a nice pace where everything seems to be coming together, with the exception of the full Moon on the 3rd.

The Month begins on a high cycle day, Aries.  Expect to be inspired in love affairs and anything that involves a creative bent to it - especially on the 1st. Just be advised that with Uranus (Surprises) in your sign, anything is possible and out of nowhere  you will experience issues regarding love and relationships. This can be fun, but please don't resist change if it is forced on you. Whether you're beginning a new relationship, ending one or currently attached, you will be amazed on this day to find your powers of persuasion are legendary and make the impact you had been hoping for. Single Aries could meet the love of his or her life this month and it could happen impetuously and unexpectedly.

Mercury (Communications) opens the month in the sign of Leo. This is an excellent time to  speak up for yourself and give your best presentations to those whom you hope to win over, personally and professionally. From July 14th - August 8th, Leo is in your 5th House of children, passion and creative pursuits. Make sure you communicate the BEST you can during this retrograde - especially when it comes to these areas.  Misunderstandings are highly likely to occur during this retrograde, so remain alert. Mark July 14th on your calendar, Aries. You will notice a shift!

Mars (Action/Energy), your ruling planet, enters Libra (Your 7th House of marriage) and joins Saturn (Lessons/ Solid Structures) on July 3rd. You will notice change in the air as Libra is your 7th House of marriage, divorce and serious legal contracts. Forearmed is forewarned, Aries. You could find yourself facing delays where career, authority and prestige are involved. You might be motivated in the areas of marriage, divorce and the signing of serious legal documents. Either way, expect some minor turbulence during this time. Step back and let others say what they feel or think as well, Aries

Jupiter (Luck/Expansion) is now in Gemini and your 3rd House of expert communications, education and your daily routines. You will experience prosperity in these areas during this year long transit that began last month. 

On July 13th, you could feel frustrated with certain events, people and situations, both personal and professional. This is a day to call in sick, Aries. You don't want to weaken the strong foundations you have put into place where your overall life is involved. Just keep out of sight, if possible.

A new Moon occurs on July 19th in the home loving sign of Cancer. Cancer is water and Aries is fire. This combination brings about news regarding your home life, relatives and family. There might be some repair, maintenance or responsibilities that you will need to take care of on this new Moon. Cancer is sign tinged with emotion and with Saturn forming a tense angle to this Moon, you might need to give up something in order to reap something better at a later date.

 A Cancer, Capricorn and an Aquarius will play key roles in your life throughout July.