
Leo July Forecast

 Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball

The Sun transits your solar 12 House of secrets, isolation and what is occurring behind the scenes as July opens. You will be privy to secrets and you could have a few juicy secrets of your own, Leo. This month is going to have it's ups and a few moments. However, there is nothing you can't handle now with the personal planets of Venus (Love) in Gemini, Mars in Libra and Mercury in your sign - all in compatible signs to your Sun. You will feel confident, gain momentum in your confidence and radiate personal appeal when you step out, whether it's for a night on the town or a  simple lunch with friends, Leo stands out and others are mesmerized by their charms.

On July 3rd, Mars (Drive/Ambition) enters Libra and your 11th House of friendships. on July 3rd so mark this day on your calendar, Leo. Also, there is a Full Moon in Capricorn on this date. Capricorn is your area of work and honors. You will be thrilled as you receive news on this date regarding your career and it turns out to be good news, Leo. You will feel confident and others will express their admiration for your contributions, especially professional. Personal also looks up for all Leos.

You notice as July opens that your way with words is powerful. You will do well in sales, public speaking and anything regarding writing and publishing. It's a time to shine and get others to follow your hopes and desires, personally AND professionally, Leo.
Mercury (Communications) opens the month in your sign Leo. This is an excellent time to  speak up for yourself and give your best presentations to those whom you hope to win over, personally and professionally. From July 14th - August 8th - Mercury turns retrograde in your sign so it remains vital that you remain up to awareness when it comes to communicating the BEST you can during this retrograde -  Misunderstandings are always highly likely to occur during Mercury retrograde as Mercury is the planet of Communications and rules everything from , so remain alert. Mark July 14th on your calendar, Leo. You will notice a shift!

Jupiter (Luck/Expansion) is now in Gemini and your 11th House of friends, hopes and your deepest wishes, Leo. You could find that you gain tremendous expansion in this area of your life. You will be exposed to newcomers, an ex can resurface and you could fall madly in love something you have hoped for comes to materialize during this year long visit of Jupiter in your 11th House, Leo. For even more information about how this extended prosperous planet will benefit you, look to the 11th House or if you have a natal chart, look at the House that Gemini falls in. That will be the area where the strongest growth, luck and expansion take place. You will find yourself to be popular and you will learn where you stand with friends this month. Love and career are looking beyond up. This transit of Jupiter will last until next June so maximize this planet by figuring out where you will experience the most growth, Leo.  

A new Moon occurs on July 19th in the home loving sign of Cancer. Cancer is water and Leo is fire. This new Moon will bring Leo and new opportunity. Even though Mercury will be retrograde on this date, the New Moon in Cancer can bring about strong intuitive feelings about everyone you encounter. You will be sensing your physic nature and you might even scare yourself with your own accuracy this month, Leo. You will find a deeper meaning in your relationships with friends, family and a serious love relationship. Single Leos could have more admirers than they know what to do with. If single, avoid isolation in July, Leo. 

 A Gemini and a Sagittarius will play important roles through out the month.