
Scorpio July Forecast

The Sun transits your 9th House of overseas travel, spirituality, publishing, foreign places and people from other countries. The Sun's transit of Cancer is a compatible placement for Scorpio enabling Scorpio to make gains in these areas throughout the first 2 weeks of July. Mercury (Communications) will open the month in the sign of Leo and your 10th House of prestige and VIPs. There will be no stopping you from accomplishing your goals effortlessly before Mercury turns retrograde in your 10th House of public acclaim, prestige and opinion from July 14th - August 8th. This retrograde impacts your career, and it could be a challenging time for you, as work projects can slow down, or at least not progress as fast as you had hoped. Try not to begin any new ventures during of the last two weeks of July, Scorpio. 
A Full Moon occurs on July 3rd in the compatible earth sign of Capricorn. Capricorn rules your 3rd House. On this Full Moon you get news regarding a project involving communication, the arts, relatives and yo experience a change of heart concerning this project or a person you're currently attached to. Your other ruler, Pluto, forms a conjunction to this Moon, so whatever transpires on this date will be touched by a sense of power and control. Avoid coming across as controlling since you might be misunderstood by others to your reactions to events. You can learn something on this Full Moon that could change the way you express yourself or that could change your outlook on something you hold dear.

Mercury (Communications) opens the month in the sign of Leo (Your 10th House). This is an excellent time for your career. You should be able to pinpoint what works and what doesn't when it comes to your career this month. By now, you should have a stronger understanding of where you want to be and how to get there via career, prestige and when it comes to dealing with those in positions of power. Hold on, Scorpio! This retrograde is going to really hit you hard when it comes to these areas. So expect some slow downs, misunderstandings and some major frustrations during this time. Mark July 14th - August 8th on your calendar for you can expect to experience major career snafus during these weeks. Expect some career ups and downs during Mercury retrograde in your 10th House. Make SURE you communicate the BEST you can during this retrograde - especially when it comes to any of these areas. Misunderstandings are highly likely to occur during this retrograde, so remain alert, aware, and on top of pressing issues.  July 14th will be a key day, Scorpio. You will notice a definite shift in regards to your professional affairs during this powerful retrograde and especially on this date. 

Mars (Action/Energy), one of your ruling planets finally exits Virgo and enters Libra (Your 12th House of secrets, isolation and untapped creativity) and joins Saturn in the same House (Lessons/ Solid Structures) on July 3rd. Mars (Energy) and Saturn (Lessons) will be in Libra and this could prompt some reflection regarding past actions and experiences. Since the 12th House deals with issues like isolation, escapism and places of confinement, you can expect to hear about secrets, find yourself consumed with a creative project and you may be dealing with issues such as isolation or places of confinement You will be motivated to get to the heart of any matter. Therapy, yoga or some mystical approach would be an excellent area to study in order to learn some valuable life lessons this month.    

Jupiter (Luck/Expansion) is now in Gemini and your 8th House of power, sex and death. You could also be dealing with resources you share with another person close to you. You can expect to see expansion, growth and movement in the 8th House areas. While Jupiter brings prosperity, it also accompanies a certain amount of willpower that must be maintained in a balanced manner. So, no going to extremes, Scorpio.The areas of taxes, insurance and mortgages will also be areas where you could catch lucky breaks. Expect July to be an intense month where money, sex and your career are involved. You will learn where you stand during July. At least you know who your real friends are, who supports you and who can be counted on. For better or worse this is better than not knowing.

Single Scorpios could find that they are attracting promising offers but the Mercury retrograde could create some misunderstandings with romantic partners, single or coupled. Best advice: Give all partners the benefit of any doubt you might have. Everyone will be feeling this retrograde, so make sure you come from a place of understanding and express yourself clearly and diplomatically.

A New Moon occurs on July 19th in the home loving sign of Cancer. Cancer is your 9th House of overseas travel, people from distant places, publishing and spirituality. New Moons equal new opportunities, Scorpio, so take advantage of offers in the areas of publishing, higher education and foreign travel and be open to new spiritual perspectives, Scorpio. Straighten out all important relationships, personal, professional and social, before the 14th since after that date, there will be a huge margin of error for misunderstandings, communication snafus and being at odds with almost everyone. This is a temporary transit and serves to make you aware of what needs fixing. This is nothing you can't handle, Scorpio, but it might get highly stressful for you. The best way to combat this period is to leave no room for misunderstandings, be clear and concise in all communications and accept that which you have zero control over. By August, you should feel much better about your career and where to proceed from here. 

The signs of Cancer and a Capricorn play roles in your life this month, personally and/or professionally as well. A Cancer will be your loyal ally while a Capricorn could surprise you.