
Aquarius July Forecast

The Sun transits your 6th House of health, wellness and your daily routines and these areas will be magnified more so than usual as July opens. These facets of your life will be brought strongly to your attention throughout the month and it will be a great time to focus on diet, nutrition and your overall wellness.

Mercury (Communications) will open the month in the compatible sign of Leo and your 7th House of marriage and serious relationships. There will be no stopping you from accomplishing your goals effortlessly, especially when it comes to communicating. You have a way with words naturally, and throughout this transit you express yourself in an effective and forthright way. You can convince anyone about anything and bring them over to your point of view. You notice that during this transit you will ALWAYS have something to say when it comes to the subject of marriage, divorce and the legal system. Others will be seeking your advice. Make sure you get all documents signed and agreements reached before Mercury turns retrograde in your 7th House from July 14th - August 8th. 

A Full Moon occurs on July 3rd in Capricorn. Capricorn is your 12th House which rules places of confinement.  You could hear news of a surprising nature and be amazed  by what is uncovered. Pluto (Transformation) forms a conjunction to this Moon indicating there will be an element of control or power issues surfacing in certain areas of your life, personal or professional. Whatever transpires will have a profound impact on you.  Information about someone else or something you have been trying to keep secret gets revealed. 

Mercury (Communications) opens the month in the sign of Leo. From July 14th - August 8th, Leo is your 7th House of marriage and serious relationships. As the month opens you notice you will be very effective when speaking out in regards to these areas, Aquarius. You will be so effective in your communications that others know you mean business.  You demand or require legal signatures regarding any issues that you are confronted with since, If anything, you have learned that not everyone is as trustworthy, practical or  logical as you are. Serious business equals serious signatures and you insist that others give you their most authentic self, especially where documents are involved. When deeply involved in a relationship, you demand commitment and transparency. You are an independent thinker with part of you being a dreamer but your bottom line is that deep down you are a realist and insist that thin done by the book.

Best advice prior to the 14th : - Make SURE you communicate to the best of your ability when making agreements and getting everything squared away (like where you stand personally professionally and legally - should there be an issue). After the 14th, Mercury reverses in Leo and goes retrograde.  Misunderstandings are highly likely to occur during this retrograde, so remain alert. Mark July 14th on your calendar, Aquarius. You notice a shift in important relationships during the Mercury retrograde in Leo. Have faith and find your center when events regarding the important relationships in your life don't go as smoothly as you might want them to. Also, with Mercury retrograde in your 7th House, you can expect loves from the past to enter the picture as well as friends and family members. Mercury retrograde is a time to REflect, REvisit and REstructure. Think RE, Aquarius.  

Mars (Action/Energy), finally exits Virgo and enters Libra on July 3rd. Mars is your energy, drive and ambition. When it travels in a compatible air sign, you can feel physical energy and, in addition, Saturn (Lessons/ Solid Structures) joins Libra on July 3rd. You notice that you possess the stamina, discipline and determination to get your ideas across. Libra is your 5th House of children, passion and what you do for fun. i.e artistic projects. The 5th House also rules risk taking. You might find that you have a "get up and go" mentality while some around you have got up and left the building.  There can be some serious commitments on the table.

Jupiter (Luck/Expansion) is now in Gemini and your 5th House where it joins Venus in Gemini, an extremely compatible and fun transit for Aquarius. Gemini is your 9th House of overseas travel, publishing, prosperity and people from foreign countries. Expect to see movement and strong growth to take place during the next year in any of these areas.

A New Moon occurs on July 19th in the home loving sign of Cancer. Cancer is your 8th House of shared resources, sex and power. New Moons equal new opportunities. The 8th House also rules resources you share with another. You can expect to make gains and be offered opportunities in these areas on this date, Aquarius.

A Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and a Pisces will play key roles throughout the month of July. You feel a strong connection to these signs and can accomplish goals with the assistance of these individuals.