
Taurus July Forecast

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball

The Sun transits your 3rd House of communications, siblings and short trips throughout July, Taurus. You find these areas to be highlighted this month as the emphasis revolves around these areas of your life.

A full Moon occurs on July 3rd in the compatible earth sign of Capricorn. Capricorn rules your 9th House of overseas travel, people from foreign places and higher education. You might be concerned with finances and your career and begin to change the way you view the world on this day. Since Pluto forms a conjunction to this Moon, whatever transpires will be intense, life changing and will give you an opportunity to really change yourself, inside and out, Taurus. This is good news! Whatever news you hear on this day will ground you and make you aware of what really matters and it's NOT money.

Mercury (Communications) opens the month in the sign of Leo on July 14th - August 8th. Leo is your 4th House of home, family and the past. The 4th House also rules motherhood so you can expect to have excellent communication when it comes to these topics, Taurus. Watch out, though, for July 14th, when Mercury turns retrograde in your 4th House. The chance for misunderstandings can really get to you during this time, so make sure you review, rethink and repeat yourself so there is no room for misinterpretation. You should mark this day on your calendar, Taurus. Leo will be retrograde for the second half of the month and won't resume direct motion until August 8th. Follow the typical protocol of Mercury. It's always a time of to think of the keyword RE. You might want to REorganize, REthink, REview, REvise and REwrite during a Mercury retrograde. For more about Mercury retrograde, click here for more info - link.

Venus (Your ruling planet) has also resumed direct motion in Gemini making you feel much more secure in love and also where your finances are involved. The month opens on a nice note. You will experience the benefits of having Jupiter and Venus in your 2nd House of resources. This period should awaken you to experiences with money you never dreamed possible. You could be drawn towards the finer things in life as this transit will help this area of your life to prosper and flow nicely. In other words, more money should be coming in. Look back to 2 years ago. There should have been improvements in your financial situation over this time period, and in July you find yourself feeling more secure and more open to spending money on beautiful things. Remember that with Jupiter (Expansion) and Venus (Love), you also might be tempted to spend more than you can afford. Just try and attain a moderate level of balance when it comes to purchasing new things. Do you really need that expensive dinner out? Do you have to buy that dress because you want to or do you really need it? These should be questions to ask yourself whenever the two most prosperous and lucky planets travel through your second House of money and possessions, Taurus. Luckily, you are practical by nature and will not easily fall prey to the temptation to overspend.

 Remember the Taurus motto is "A penny saved is a penny earned". Apply this mentality to your good fortune and you will be shown the money. Food for thought, Taurus.

A New Moon occurs on July 19th, in the home loving sign of Cancer. Cancer is your 3rd House of concise communications, relatives and short trip central. You could find that these areas can usher in new opportunities. If you want to travel, an opportunity could arise at the perfect moment, involving education and possibly a change in location. This is a comfortable place for you, Taurus. Try not to dominate conversations with family during this time, as  Mercury will be retrograde in Leo on this day and could leave room for misunderstandings. It's a month for diplomacy, harmony and changing what you don't like about your daily routines. Approach all serious relationships with intensity, sense of purpose and unwavering loyalty. Make sure others know exactly where they stand with you on this date, Taurus.

A Gemini, Virgo and a Sagittarius will play key roles in your life throughout July. A Pisces will also support your hopes and wishes.