
Gemini July Forecast

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball

The Sun transits your 2nd House of income, possessions and how you handle your expenses. You could find these areas playing a prominent role in your life throughout the Sun's transit of Cancer and your solar 2nd House. This is your month to shine, Gemini. Life as you know it is about to get interesting, exciting and filled with the unexpected. With BOTH Jupiter (Expansion/Prosperity) and Venus (Love) in your sign, you will see movement, be making serious commitments and can expect to experience riches both in money and in love. You notice confidence growing and an intense relationship forming, personally, professionally or both. You could be signing legal contracts and life is becoming much more exciting. You should notice your physical energy levels increasing when it comes to your love relationships, passion and a certain someone, Gemini. 

A full Moon occurs on July 3rd in the the sign of Capricorn and your 8th House of taxes, insurance and money. You could be hearing news about more money headed your way or a partner could profit from a promotion or raise. This full Moon will feel empowering and brings about a burst of good news that revolves around your personal security.

Mercury (Communications) opens the month in the sign of Leo. This is an excellent time to spend with friends, focus on your hopes and personal wishes and speak openly about them, Gemini. Others will be touched by your personal sentiments and find you extremely irresistible. This transit lasts until July 14th when Mercury turns retrograde. Make sure you communicate extremely well during this retrograde - especially when it comes to the areas of money and anything to do with money. The first half of July will seem like there is nothing you can't accomplish but before you get too excited, realize that the Mercury retrograde will linger until August 8th and you might notice that where there were previous agreements, sudden  misunderstandings are highly likely to occur, so remain alert. Mark July 14th on your calendar, Gemini. You should feel a shift in the air. It will be imperative that you follow the typical Mercury retrograde protocol. Try not to travel but if you must, recheck your schedules, expect delays and anticipate some plans to go haywire. This is also a time when appliances can break down. You could be so focused on a romance that this Mercury retrograde doesn't seem to affect you. Remember, though, that Mercury is your ruler and whenever your ruling planet goes retrograde, there will be an uneasy feeling that things are not quite what they should be, Gemini. 

Mars (Action/Energy) enters Libra (Your 5th House of ) and joins Saturn (Lessons/ Solid Structures) on July 3rd. Since Libra is a compatible air sign, there should be smooth sailing in all of your communications, a burst of physical energy and the ability to get more done in less time. And with Saturn resuming direct motion in Libra, you find that relationships, especially personal ones will occupy your attention more so than normal.

A New Moon occurs on July 19th in the home loving sign of Cancer. New Moons equal new opportunities and Gemini will hear additional news regarding his or her finances and career on this day.   

An Aries, Taurus and a Scorpio play important roles in your life this month. A Libra will also play a close role.