
Virgo July Forecast

The Sun transits your 11th House of friends, hopes ,wishes and you deepest personal desires this month, Virgo. You can expect to find yourself focusing on what works, what doesn't and where you want to proceed from this point forward with regard to these areas throughout the Suns transit of Cancer. The 11th House also rules ex loves so there could be someone from your past that still carries a torch for you or you could be hung up on an ex love this month. Someone from your past could return or you could find that an ex love someone enters this picture. Single Virgos have the ability to get what they want while committed Virgos should be feeling closer than ever.

A Full Moon occurs on July 3rd in the compatible earth sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is your 5th House of creative pursuits, children and passion. On this Full Moon, you hear news regarding an ongoing relationship, your children or perhaps you receive news regarding a creative project that you have been working on just for fun. This Moon involves a Pluto connection so whatever transpires will be a day to remember. Whenever Pluto forms a conjunction, you can count on hearing something that might initially jolt you but will eventually be for the best, even though initially it might seem a bit daunting, you will see reality and know where you stand. Mark Another reason to mark July 3rd on your calendar, Virgo. Mars (Action/Energy), finally exits your sign and enters Libra (Your 12th House of secrets, behind the scenes activity and isolation) where it joins Saturn (Lessons/ Solid Structures) in the same area of your chart. The 12th House is a place of confinement. You could be dealing with issues like isolation, or you could channel this energy wisely by focusing your efforts into something artistic, creative and whatever you consider passion, this is the best way to handle this transit. The 12th House also is about escapism, from self and from others. It can also be the self imposed kind. The combination of your 5th and 12th Houses being activated could mean that past secrets come to light or it could be that your secrets come forward, if you have any, Virgo. Mars (Energy) will exit your sign and enter Libra, which is your solar 2nd House of money. After a very long Mars transit in your sign, you might feel low on energy on this powerful day. Expect to hear news that could be potentially life changing and will affect you in profound way courtesy of Pluto forming a conjunction to this Moon. You will sense a shift in the energy around you on this day, Virgo.

Mercury (Communications) opens the month in the sign of Leo. Expect secrets, surprises and hidden agendas of others to  From July 14th - August 8th, Leo is your 12nd House. A Make sure you communicate the BEST you can during this retrograde - especially when it comes to these areas.  Misunderstandings are highly likely to occur during this retrograde, so remain alert. Mark July 14th on your calendar, Virgo. You will notice a shift, especially with regards to your career! While you might want to pursue

Jupiter (Luck/Expansion) is now in Gemini and your 10th House where it joins Venus (Love) so you can expect to see progress during the first two weeks regarding career areas, authority figures and movement where your career is involved. Whenever these two planets travel together, they work in beneficial ways to bring about prosperity, good fortune and bring about a ton of movement and expansion where there might have been previously none.  

A new Moon occurs on July 19th in the home loving sign of Cancer. Despite the fact that Mercury is retrograde, you still have stellar day on the New Moon in Cancer. New friends, existing ones and even past friends can come into your life on this day. You will a strong intuitive connection with the newcomers in your life. Communication is effortless and there is a spiritual dimension to your connections with these friends. This day will feel deeply satisfying. New Moons = New opportunities and on this day, the friendly Cancer New Moon illuminates new opportunities that stimulate and satisfy you deeply. You're making friends for life on this day, Virgo. Make sure to show your appreciation to these VIPs as you could be mingling with those in positions of power and prestige. You have also made enormous strides yourself, so you experience deep fulfillment on this amazing day. Everything is looking up and you remain grateful for the various people and friends you have been blessed with.

An Aries and a Libra will play strong roles in your life throughout July, Virgo. It would be to your advantage to listen to what an Aries has to say to you. This individual  wants to assist you but might feel differently than this person does. It's time to clear the air and listen to what people say to you. A Libra plays a role and will be ultra supportive of your hopes and goals and wants the very best for you.