
Capricorn July Forecast

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball

The Sun transits your 7th House of marriage, serious legal contacts and open enemies. The Sun's transit of Cancer also highlights divorce and the legal system. These areas will play a lager than life role in your month, Capricorn.

A Full Moon occurs in your 1st House on July 3rd. Mark this date on your calendar, Capricorn. A serious relationship, a project you have been working diligently on or a baffling situation will be illuminated and you will find out what you need to know. The Full Moon in your sign deals with Uranus forming a tense angle to the Moon and an equal or exact angle to Pluto. What does this mean? Expect some people to challenge you on this date. You could experience issues with jealousy and some people might question your beliefs and ideals. Avoid power struggles which is another area that accompanies Pluto.  

Mercury (Communications) will open the month in the sign of Leo, your 8th House of taxes, insurance and mortgages. The 8th House also rules sex, power and deeply committed relationships. You have an edge for the first two weeks of July, Capricorn, as you will shine in any discussions regarding these areas. You can also expect to get a few lucky breaks where these issues come front and center. You could be blessed with a raise of income or a partner may gets a raise in income or be promoted. The 8th House rules resources you share with others, so there can be gains in this area until the 14th, when Mercury turns retrograde in Leo. From the 14th - August 8th, whereas you had been making progress, the very same areas begin to slow down. Mark the 14th on your calendar, Capricorn.

A New Moon occurs on July 19th falling in your opposite sign of Cancer, your 7th House of marriage and serious relationships. Since New Moons equal new opportunities, this should be a date to mark on your calendar, Capricorn. You could feel low on energy this day but do very well in personal and financial relationships. New people, places and events come into your life suddenly and without warning. You and a partner could decide to make a big commitment to one another. Possibilities:  a pregnancy, moving in together or making the relationship "legal". Since this New Moon has Saturn (Lessons/Responsibility) involved, you can expect some tension or stress but this is nothing you can't handle, Capricorn.   

Your ruling planet, Saturn, also has resumed direct motion and remains in the sign of Libra. This could feel like a welcome relief for you. Libra is your 10th House of top honors, authority and powerful people. Capricorns who have put in the time, (and what Capricorn hasn't?) will be seeing the rewards of their hard work paying off in a highly satisfying way. Saturn is not a planet to be feared and Capricorn knows this more than they realize. You will see forward movement and perhaps a public acknowledgment for work or services performed diligently over the past ten years or so. With hard work come rich rewards. This is your month to shine and let others notice all the efforts you exerted that have brought about solid foundations. Only Capricorns have the ability to build the perfect design. Capricorns are attracted to foundations and strong work ethics, and there is no stopping a determined hard-working, fun loving person who loves to mix business with pleasure. This is you, Capricorn!

Jupiter (Luck/Expansion) is now in Gemini where it joins Venus (Love) in your 6th House of health, wellness and your daily routines. You can expect these areas to improve drastically and be filled with movement, luck and expansion.  A year from now, your health, fitness and daily routines will have brought about surprises, growth and more happiness that you dreamed possible.  

A Taurus and a Scorpio will play intimate and close roles in your life throughout July, Capricorn. Your lucky number is 22! July should be quite a powerful month for you.