
Aries August Forecast

Get ready for a wild month in August, Aries! This month features 3 Moons. One occurs on 8/1 (a Full Moon in Aquarius), a New Moon in Leo on 8/17, and another Full Moon on the last day, 8/31 in the sign of Pisces.
On August 1st, a Full Moon occurs in your 11th House of friendships, your deepest hopes and your secret wishes and desires. You can expect to receive information/news that thrills you on this stellar day. Friends will assist you and bring good news that lifts you spirits. Jupiter (expansion and prosperity) and Uranus (sudden and unexpected news) form a friendly angle to this Moon, suggesting that whatever you hear will bring about luck and will come up rather unexpectedly. CIRCLE August 1st on your calendar, Aries. You will also notice that interactions with the opposite sex go well on this day. Single Aries could get news that puts a smile on his or her face, while couples will find their bond growing even stronger on this date.  

Venus (Love) enters Cancer on August 7th - September 6th. Cancer is your 4th House of home, family and the past. Expect to be working on your home in some way, possibly making space for someone new or restructuring your home now that someone has recently moved out. During the Venus transit of Cancer, you find that home life commands attention. Money could also be involved during this transit of Cancer. You might notice that the demands between home and work life are stressful. In addition, Saturn (restriction) in Libra, your opposite sign, brings an added element of pressure and tension to your daily life. This too shall pass, Aries. Just try and prioritize everything in an orderly manner for ideal results. In other words: One step at a time.  

Mercury (Communications) begins the month retrograde in Leo and resumes direct motion on the 8th. Once Mercury turns direct, your communications should feel less chaotic and the chances for misunderstandings evaporate. Life flows more smoothly. Cars, computers and air conditioners begin to work and the people around you will understand more clearly where you're coming from. Since Leo is your 5th House, expect the areas of passion, creative projects and children to begin to move in a positive direction.  

Jupiter (Money/luck and prosperity) continues its transit of Gemini and your 3rd House of expert communications. This transit benefits you, as it falls in a compatible Air sign. You find that suddenly you have a way with words like never before. Aries speaks and others listen attentively. Since Gemini is your 3rd House, the areas of siblings, neighbors and short distance travel will ve highlighted. You can expect expansion and benefits through all properties of the 3rd House during this year long transit that began in June. September is shaping up nicely to be a great month for love. In August, get your home and career life settled and get ready to be adored in September, Aries.

A New Moon forms in Leo on August 17th in your 5th House. Remember that new Moons equal new opportunities, so you could find that you hear news about a possible addition to your family or a creative project you have been working on diligently.  Your passion for another can grow even deeper. If single, new opportunities for romance are everywhere on this date. Single Aries looking for love can find it. This should be another excellent day for love, ongoing relationships and all matters regarding home and family.

As the month ends, there will be a Full Moon in Pisces on the 31st. Pisces is your 12th House of untapped creativity. You might find yourself delving into your psyche and getting in touch with your subconscious. The 12th House also rules hospitals, prisons and institutions, so it is entirely possible that you may be dealing with someone who is confined in some manner.

Best days ever: 8/1 and 8/22
Stay home and hide (if possible) 8/8 and 8/23
The signs of Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius will play important roles. A Pisces will also play a sentimental role.