
Tuesday, August 14th, 2012


The Moon in Cancer impacts your 4th House of home and family life. Parents and siblings could play an important role. Take charge, eliminate a bad habit and focus on your well being and health for ideal results. With Mars (your planetary ruler) in Libra and your 7th House, you might find yourself confused about a love relationship or equally sure that this is it, Aries. Some privacy and time spent alone tonight will benefit you immensely.  A Leo and an Aquarius will play key roles.


The Moon in Cancer transits your 3rd House of communications and siblings. Be careful of accidents today as you could get distracted from issues past and lose your focus while walking or driving. Be alert, aware and focus on those friends and neighbors who would love to get closer to you, Taurus. A Cancer and a Capricorn will have ideas you should consider seriously or think about taking into serious consideration, Taurus.


The Moon in Cancer impacts your 2nd House of income. It will be imperative to look at all aspects of your current financial dealings. Collect what is owed to you, pay people you owe and make sure you are up to date on your expenses. Something big could occur which could be costly. Try not to get emotional and know that things are things and they can always be replaced. You could get overly emotional when it comes to the topic of money today. Another Gemini and a Sagittarius will play influential roles, Gemini.


The Moon and Venus (Love) in Cancer transits your 1st House of appearances and sex appeal. This is your day to shine, Cancer. You find others receptive to your ideas, physical appearance and your day flows smoothly. Others find your personality charming, witty and ultra attractive. Another Cancer, Capricorn and an Aquarius play key roles in your day. When you're hot, you're hot, Cancer!


The Moon and Venus (love) transit your 12th House of secrets, seclusion and what is happening behind closed doors, Leo. You might be feeling the need to stick close to home today as professional issues could be weighing heavily on your mind. Take things slow for best results and ask the signs of Gemini, Virgo and a Sagittarius for their take on matters you might not be seeing clearly. A Pisces has the answers you seek, Leo.


The Moon impacts your 11th House of friends, Virgo. It's your day to spend some time cheering up a family member, friend or love interest that might need your warmth, support and loyalty today. It's time to look realistically at all relationships in your life. Is it time to take the next step or is this over? Only Virgo has the answers and the final decision will be up to you, Virgo. An Aries, Taurus and a Scorpio play influential roles. A Libra plays a sentimental role. Give the best you've got to make others happy today, Virgo. You won't regret it and they won't forget it.


The Moon transits your 10th House of prestige and public acclaim, Libra. Additionally with Mars in your sign, this gives you the energy to complete projects swiftly and makes you more mysterious to the same/opposite sex. Your energy is focused on professional affairs and a matter regarding your reputation is cleared up. Avoid a tendency to get emotional where the public is involved. Stand tall and project confidence.


The Moon and Venus in Cancer impact your 9th House of travel, spirituality and publishing. You might long to be somewhere else today as you find yourself in a restless mood. This is a great day to begin making plans for a trip overseas or to engage in learning a new skill. You will enjoy challenging new hobbies although you could feel drained and overworked. A Taurus, Libra and a Cancer will appeal to your sentimental side. A Capricorn has news for you, Scorpio.


The Moon is in your 8th House of death and re-birth where it joins Venus (planet of Love) in Cancer - also your 8th House. You could be dealing with big issues such as money, sex and power. The 8th House also rules resources you share with others. Try to tone down any emotional reactions or responses today as the Moon in Cancer can heighten your feelings big time. A relationship gets more serious as the week progresses. An Aries and a Libra might have some questions for you, Sagittarius.


The Moon is in your 7th House of marriage and committed relationships. There is a feeling of closeness with your friends and women especially. Avoid a tendency to let others influence you though, Capricorn. Every person has an agenda and you don't want to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and undo all the positive steps you have taken. Try not to let others convince you of something you are uncertain about. A Leo and an Aquarius will play loyal roles.


The Moon is in your 6th House of health and wellness, Aquarius. It's time to take a serious look at your weight, diet and nutrition. These areas could turn serious if you let the little things slide. Make appointments to see doctors and dentists. Stay on top of all health matters. Realize that you have a big circle of friends who are more willing to assist you in these areas, Aquarius. Let them. A Cancer and a Capricorn will understand how you feel.


The Moon in Cancer also joins Venus in your 5th House of passion, children, creativity and taking risks, spur of the moment. You could feel strongly attached to these areas and want to spend your time pursuing these hobbies. You could also be overly focused on a love relationship and desire some privacy where this relationship is involved. A Gemini and a Sagittarius have some interesting ideas about what you should and shouldn't do, Pisces. As always, follow your intuition for ideal results, Pisces.