
Gemini August Forecast


Get ready for a wild month in August, Gemini! This month features 3 Moons. One on 8/1, a Full Moon in Aquarius; New Moon in Leo on 8/17, and another Full Moon on the last day, 8/31 in the sign of Pisces.

As the month opens, the first day of August begins with a Full Moon in Aquarius.  This should prove to be a great day for you, Gemini. Jupiter forms an angle to this Moon and will benefit you in more ways than one. You might be surprised at how perfectly things fall into place, personally and professionally. Circle this date on your calendar as you will find it to be a memorable one, Gemini. 

Venus (Love) enters Cancer on August 7th - September 6th. Where Venus goes/travels - love and luck in beauty flows - especially where the properties of each House it transits are concerned, Gemini. Cancer is your solar 2nd House. You might feel inclined towards luxury, self indulgent purchases and some serious pampering  when it comes to spending and assessing your finances during this month, Gemini. Additionally, with Jupiter in your sign, you most likely have noticed an increase in your financial area, and if NOT, you WILL see financial issues really take off when Mercury moves forward in Leo on August 8th. Since Cancer is a water sign, during this Venus transit of Cancer, you could take on some Cancer energies and qualities, such as a strong and spot on intuition and a fondness for the past. This benefits you from time to time, as you tend to be so methodical and reasonable that a bit of vulnerability and coming from a place of emotion, as opposed to logic, is an important life lesson for you. Be open to listening to the opinions of those you tend to disagree with, Gemini. 

Mercury (Communications) begins the month retrograde in Leo and resumes direct motion on the 8th. Once Mercury turns direct, everything should feel less chaotic. Life flows more smoothly. Cars, computers and appliances such as air conditioners begin to work and the people around you will understand where you're coming from. The best advice to give you, Gemini, is not to sign any important documents until after 8/8. Try to make important decisions and transactions after this date, as you will have more resources come mid-August. The only caveat? You WILL be making more money but spending it just as quickly as it comes in. Try and get control of your finances. Know the difference between wants versus needs. Moderation is the keyword whenever Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion, transits your sign.  

Jupiter (Money/expansion and prosperity) continues its transit of your sign, Gemini. Once Mercury, your ruling planet, resumes direct motion, you will begin to see improvement, movement and greater strides in key areas of your life. With Jupiter in your sign it is important to avoid overindulgence when it comes to your physical appearance. This planet can literally expand your waistline, so try to exercise moderation in all physical areas, especially your diet. On August 8th, Mercury exits Leo and resumes direct motion. You find that prospects for a serious romance are gaining momentum and serious commitments are being considered. Mark August 8th on your calendar as you will notice a difference with those around you, especially when it comes to moving forward with projects and relationships.  The timing feels like kismet.  

A New Moon forms in Leo on August 17th. By now, relationships and what seems like expansion should be the happening areas of your life. Remember that beginnings and endings are highly likely this year with the eclipses in your sign. These new relationships and new offers are meant to only make you happier, so be sure you choose your desires wisely. There is a reason the saying goes "Don't wish for what you want, you JUST might get it". Be emotionally open, honest and your usual communicative self. During this month, especially after the 8th, it seems as there is no stopping you, Gemini, and there isn't. 

As the month comes to an end, there will be a Full Moon in Pisces on the last day of August - the 31st. Also on that date, your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Virgo and your 4th House while Pisces is your 10th House of prestige and authority. You could hear news that seems conflicting or ambiguous. It might feel like a confusing day and emotions will be heightened but remain confidant. As August wraps up, you will have made tremendous strides in your life, particularly when it comes to your hopes and wishes, professionally and personally, Gemini.    

A Pisces and a Virgo will play key roles in your life throughout the month of August, Gemini. These signs can help you reach your maximum potential in business and in potential romance as well.