
Leo August Forecast



"Happy Birthday" to all Leos! Prepare for fun filled, adventurous and wild times throughout the month of August, Leo. August features 3 Moons. One occurs on 8/1, a Full Moon in Aquarius; a New Moon in Leo on 8/17, and another Full Moon on the last day, 8/31 in the sign of Pisces.

Mercury (Communications) begins the month retrograde in your sign, Leo. and resumes direct motion on the 8th. Once Mercury turns direct, everything should feel less chaotic. Life flows more smoothly, both in professional and personal affairs. Let's begin with the Full Moon on August 1st in the sign of Aquarius and your 7th House of marriage. Full Moons bring about intense emotions and on August 1st your emotions are triggered by a love relationship. Money, love and your career are high on your priority list and this month will not disappoint you, Leo. Normally when the Moon is in your opposite sign, you tend to be low on energy. Mars (Planet of energy/motivation/strength) will be involved with this Moon and its energy can give you the impetus to get things done. You should be excited by developments in both your personal and professional life on this first day of August, Leo.

Jupiter (Money/expansion and prosperity) continues its transit of Gemini and your 11th House of friends, groups with which you affiliate and hopes/dreams. Where Jupiter travels, expansion and prosperity are close behind. This is a long transit and make sure to focus on your deepest hopes and desires. The strongest areas highlighted will be anything regarding groups, electronics, ex lovers and friends. These areas will be emphasized in a positive way and you will find great expansion and growth until next Summer. This is an ideal time to make a list of where you want to be in 2 to 5 years and formulate a strategy to make it happen. Get it while you can, Leo.

Venus (Love) enters Cancer on August 7th - September 6th. In Astrology, wherever Venus travels, love and romance follow. Cancer rules your 12th House of secrets, the past and what occurs behind closed doors. There could be a romance taking place behind the scenes. There is a desire for seclusion and if you're involved with someone, you will want this person with you as much as possible (just the two of you). There may also be a need or feeling to escape, isolate or keep the relationship private for whatever reason. If a romance is taking place behind closed doors, it will become exposed when Venus enters your sign in September, Leo. Remember the old adage of treating others as you would like to be treated and you will enjoy the mysteries and privacy of this transit. Others will perceive you to be mysterious and could accuse you of keeping something from them. People will also find you attractive, urbane and seductive on many levels.

A New Moon forms in your sign, Leo, on August 17th. This New Moon brings opportunities that deserve your attention and consideration, Leo. You could get offered a raise or promotion, find the love of your life, fulfill a life long dream - get the idea? It's important to know who and what you want and Leo knows this more than most, so focus on your hopes and dreams.

As the month closes, there will be a Full Moon in Pisces on the 31st. Pisces is your 8th House of power, sex and money. It also rules other people's money. There could be developments with your partner as one or both of you benefit financially. The 8th House rules over the resources you share with others. As August comes to a close, you might feel torn between your obligations and your family life. Pace yourself, Leo. Take everything very slowly and be thorough in every task you undertake this month. Take a clue from Virgo and get organized, in EVERY aspect of your life, like yesterday.

An Aries and a Libra will play key roles in your life this month, Leo. You can find your connection with an Aries to be strong, long lasting and you view this association as durable and safe. A Libra plays a mysterious role.