
Leo September Forecast


The month opens with Venus (Love) entering your 1st House. This transit lasts from 9/6 - 10/3. You can glide through September, Leo, as love looks brighter, and opportunities to shine in your romantic life and professional life come about with very little effort on your part. Leo needs to shine and always finds a way to make a name for themselves. It is mandatory that your ideal job involves a certain level of creativity and with Saturn in Libra, your 3rd House (until 10/5), you will be more focused on communicating ideas. September is a month to focus on completions and polish up your resume. Potential partners and VIPs notice your value and become aware of what you contribute to your career. With Mars in Scorpio and your 4th House this month, family matters take on greater significance and might cause some conflict with business affairs. Try to aim for balance as Mars in Scorpio could make everyday life more intense and bring about a potential struggle between the two.
A New Moon occurs on September 15th in the sign of Virgo and your 2nd House of finance and possessions. You might find that hard work pays off. Any new projects that involve communications turn into solid sources of income. Good news arrives regarding your bank account but with Saturn in the picture, make sure you don't take any short cuts and know that you must work diligently, Leo. Saturn won't let you progress if you have been lazy or indulgent. Leos who have been coasting might find the need to re-evaluate their careers while those Leos who have put in the time, energy and resources into their passions will be most rewarded.
Pluto (Slow but powerful change) resumes direct motion in Capricorn on 9/17 where it currently has been retrograde in your 6th House of daily routines, health and wellness. Pluto in your 6th House has transformed your daily life. Look back to 2008 and see how this powerful but slow moving planet has affected your work life and daily routines. Health and wellness are also properties of the 6th House, so perhaps there has been a transformation where your health, wellness and nutrition come into play. Once this planet moves forward on 9/17, expect more responsibilities connected to these areas. One way or another, your day to day existence will be affected.
Mars (Energy/Motivation) remains in the sign of Scorpio throughout September, Leo. Scorpio is your 5th House of passion, creativity and children. Mars also brings about passion, heightened sexuality and aggression. The message of this transit is to not let your temper get the best of you when you feel overwhelmed by external occurrences. In other words: CHILL!
A Full Moon forms in Aries 9/29 in your 9th House of travel, publishing and your worldviews. Jupiter (Expansion) forms a wide angle and Uranus (The unexpected) forms a conjunction suggesting that anything is possible on this day. You can expect to see or hear about things you never anticipated, while Jupiter brings expansion to events or news you receive on this date.
Another Leo, Scorpio and an Aquarius will play prominent roles in your life throughout September.