
Cancer September Forecast


The Sun transits Virgo and your 3rd House of communications this month. Prepare for the unexpected where speaking, writing and your interactions with others are involved. September promises to bring awareness in love and career matters. Children will also play a bigger role than normal this month with Mars in Scorpio, Cancer.
The month begins with Venus (Love) exiting your 1st House (where it has been bringing love into your life and increased career prospects) and entering Leo, your 2nd House of possessions and valuables. Venus is the planet of love and wherever this planet travels is where you benefit most, Cancer. Venus in Leo will last from 9/6 - 10/3. During this transit, Jupiter and Venus are forming beneficial angles to your House of career. Whenever Venus (Love) and Jupiter (Expansion) join forces, there is a strong possibility that money and career opportunities will surface and benefit you, Cancer. Pay attention to professional offers and work related projects as they will come at the right time.
Mars (Energy/Motivation) remains in the sign of Scorpio throughout September, Cancer. Scorpio is your 5th House of passion, creativity and children. Mars represents energy, motivation and aggression. In the sign of Scorpio, you will find a strong focus in these areas. Try to tone down emotions as you could find that you are overwhelmed by physical desires and sudden heightened sexual energy. A new love could find single Cancer, while coupled Cancer will experience renewed attraction to their significant others.
A New Moon occurs on September 15th in the sign of Virgo and your 3rd House of communications, siblings and relatives. Virgo is a compatible earth sign that blends well with Cancer, so expect communications and the ability to communicate to soar. Writing, speaking and communications will come naturally and easily to you. With Mercury forming a conjunction to this Moon, you can be assured that the pace picks up where speaking, learning and teaching others comes into play.
Pluto (Power/Transformation) resumes direct motion in Capricorn on 9/17 where it currently has been retrograde in your 7th House of marriage and divorce. This planet has been slowly but surely changing your serious relationships (such as marriage or divorce) since 2008 and on the 17th, you find these areas coming to life again, for better or worse. Since 2008, Pluto has brought about transformation and profound inner change where love and relationships are concerned. This month brings these relationships front and center. You come to conclusions whether you are single or coupled. Try not to let surprises and unexpected news get you worked up. The more you control emotional reactions to your serious relationships, the better things will work out for you.
A Full Moon forms in Aries on 9/29. Aries is your 10th House of prestige. Full Moons bring emotions to the surface, Cancer. For you, the Moon is your ruler, so anytime a Full moon occurs, emotions tend to escalate. Uranus (Surprises/The unexpected) forms a conjunction to this Moon suggesting that news you receive occurs from out of nowhere and involves career matters. Aries is a fire sign and Cancer is a water sign. Try not to let frustrations get the best of you. You could find this to be a challenging day, Cancer.
An Aries and a Libra will play active roles in your life throughout September.