
Taurus September Forecast

The month opens with Venus - your ruling planet which represents love - entering Leo, your 4th House of home and family (from 9/6 - 10/3). Expect these areas to be prosperous for you. You value the security of home life and adventure is gained through romance, travel and constant stimulating conversations. There will be a cozy feel to your home life this month, and your house takes on importance as a home repair or renovation takes place. You could be decorating or arranging your home life or surroundings to suit you better. Expect others to admire your home life this month. The 4th House also rules the past and motherhood so you will be focused on these areas as well but not for too long. It will be a busy and somewhat unpredictable month. Your confidence soars on the 5th and 6th, Taurus. You will see that your hard work pays off personally and professionally.
A New Moon occurs on September 15th in the sign of Virgo and your 5th House of passion, romance and risk taking. Single Taurus could meet the person of his or her dreams quite suddenly, while coupled Taurus will feel the need to express their feelings more fully to their partner. Sometimes you need to remember your partner is not a mind reader. If there are any issues you have with a romantic partner, speak up but utilize diplomacy. A serious relationship will grow more committed by keeping the lines of communication wide open.
Pluto (Slow but powerful change) resumes direct motion in Capricorn on 9/17 in your 9th House of spirituality, worldviews and travel. These areas will be highlighted this month as you notice a transformation in your views regarding travel, distant places and foreign destinations. You will be more receptive and more importantly "open to change" as to how you view these areas. In September these areas will come to your attention on a more tangible level. With Pluto retrograde, feelings are more internalized but once this planet moves direct, experiences become more intense and take on a greater sense of reality and permanence.
Mars (Energy/Motivation) occupies the sign of Scorpio throughout the entire month. With Mars in your 7th House, expect some passionate moments in a romance and a feeling of progress and popularity where personal relationships and your home life are involved. Mars can bring some arguments, but there is nothing you cannot resolve with your partner, Taurus.
Jupiter (Luck, expansion) in Gemini (Your 2nd House of finance) brings about big changes with your income. You should have an idea of how this planet affects your life since it has been there since June. Have you seen, experienced or otherwise encountered immense movement in your finances? This transit should increase your bank account and bring in beautiful and luxurious possessions. This period lasts until next summer, so prepare to focus on what you hope to achieve via your income and get to work.
A Full Moon forms on 9/29 in Aries, your 12th House of secrets and what occurs behind closed doors. The week of the Full Moon will be a mysterious one. You could stumble upon the secrets of others or uncover something private that was not intended for your eyes to see. It could also be that you scrutinize your own beliefs and delve deep into your subconscious thoughts. Uranus (Surprises/The Unexpected) is involved with this Moon, so news or insights you gain will come to you rapidly and seemingly out of nowhere.
A Virgo and a Pisces will play special roles in your life throughout September, Taurus.