
Gemini September Forecast


The month opens with Venus (Love) in the compatible sign of Leo and your 3rd House of communications, short trips and siblings. Venus is the planet of love and wherever this planet travels is where your luck shines, Gemini. This transit lasts from 9/6 - 10/3. With Venus in a compatible fire sign, the emphasis falls on relatives, siblings and communicating effectively. Single Gemini looking for love could find passion through a relative (who sets you up), in your own neighborhood or while out running errands. Coupled Gemini could feel the flames of romance burning brighter or feel as though they need to have a serious conversation with their partner. You are ruled by the planet Mercury, Gemini. You have powers of persuasion via the written and spoken word. If any tension exists between you and a partner, be sure to clarify and spell out how you feel about your relationship.
Mercury (Communications), your ruling planet, begins the month in your 4th house of family, your home life and issues from the past. You could find that your powers of persuasion will revolve around these issues. Then on 9/16, Mercury enters Libra and your 5th House of love, passion and creative ventures. During the Mercury transit of Libra, you find that you have the ability to convince others that your point of view is the correct one. Use this ability cautiously, Gemini.
A New Moon occurs on September 15th in the sign of Virgo and your 4th House. The 4th House rules home life, your personal environment and issues from the past. This Moon could prompt a desire to change locations or to think seriously about changing your home life in some way. Mercury plays a role in this New Moon creating a conjunction to the New Moon. Anytime Mercury is involved, you can expect a ton of stimulation through conversations, writing and publishing. Expect any and all types of social activity to play a strong role on this day.
Pluto (Power/Transformation) resumes direct motion in Capricorn (Your 8th House) on 9/17 where it has been retrograde. As this planet resumes direct motion, your experiences in these areas will become more concrete and less abstract. You can move forward in all properties of the 8th House. Since the 8th House rules sex and power, expect others to find you beyond attractive and be captivated by whatever you do. Expect to win at whatever you're pursuing, Gemini. Money matters, your career and power, (personal and professional) will favor you and your efforts. You notice a shift between the 18th - 20th - and any areas that previously have seemed stagnant begin to move forward. Remember that Pluto represents strong and powerful change and also represents transformation.
Mars (Energy/Motivation) will be in Scorpio for the entire month. Your energy will be focused on daily routines, daily work and the possibility of taking on more professional responsibilities. Mars gives you the motivation to tackle projects and in your 6th House, work will seem to be the major focus this month. Men can assist you and will prove to be helpful.
A Full Moon forms in your 11th House of Aries on 9/29. Aries rules your 11th House of hopes and wishes. It also rules friendships and groups to which you belong. You end the month on a positive note as the Sun enters Libra (9/23) and your 5th House, while the Full Moon occurs in your social sector. Single Gemini could have more than one love interest while coupled Gemini will find the love, passion and adventure awaiting them during this intense, romantic and creative time.
A Cancer, Capricorn and an Aquarius will be involved in key roles of your life throughout September.