
Aquarius November Forecast

November is going to be a big month as there will be two eclipses (A solar eclipse and new moon in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse and full moon in Gemini). Additionally, the planet of Communications (Mercury) retrogrades in  Sagittarius (Your 11th House of friendships). November will be a month to remember for all signs, so let's take a look and see what is in store for you personally, Aquarius.

The planet of love, Venus, begins the month in Libra, your 9th House of travel, publishing and people overseas. The 9th House also has to do with religion and spirituality, Aquarius. Venus in the compatible air sign of Libra brings about a strong urge to escape, especially with a partner, if coupled. You gain admiration and affection from your closest friends and a loved one who is impressed with your level of expertize when it comes to travel, higher learning and technology. You could also be well versed in areas such as religion and or a spiritual practice and this makes you a stand out, Aquarius. Others will find your opinions and knowledge fascinating.  

Mercury (Communications) will retrograde between 11/6 -11/26 in Sagittarius. This is the last Mercury retrograde of 2012, Aquarius. Try to get important details out of the way before Mercury retrogrades. In other words: Take advantage of the first 6 days of November to get your personal and professional relationships exactly where you want them, Aquarius. Back up computer files and keep your eyes on cars that might break down or go haywire during this time. Whenever Mercury retrogrades, it always a great rule to re-think, revise, repair or review something.  

 Mars (Sexuality/Energy) transits Sagittarius until 11/16. Your energy levels will be focused strongly on your career and your friendships this month, Aquarius. Mars can increase your sexual expression, physical energy and propel you to   take off for a vacation or travel during this transit. If so, schedule your plans on either side of the Mercury retrograde. If this is not possible, double check your travel schedules and allow for some delays, Aquarius. It's not that you can't travel, Aquarius. It just is a good idea to expect or allow some delays and frustrations with your plans during Mercury retrograde. Travel on either side of the dates of 11/6 - 11/26 for best results, Aquarius.

A Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur in the sign of Scorpio on 11/13. This eclipse will transit your 10th House of prestige. There could be challenges   when it comes to your career and new offers that come your way, professionally. A relationship could begin while another ends. This can be an emotional time for you, Aquarius. Know that you will be forced to make fast choices that can happen unexpectedly. To learn more about how eclipses affect you, always look to the House that they fall in and the properties/areas of that House. Issues from the past could surface. On the flip side, you learn something valuable and you make adjustments on or after this important new moon and solar eclipse.

 On 11/28, a Full Moon and a Lunar eclipse will fall in Gemini and your 5th House of children, romance and taking creative risks that pay off, Aquarius. Full Moons bring about heightened emotions and lunar eclipses can make you overreact or more emotional to news. Information previously withheld regarding a close relationship, a child or something you have been working on creatively could be involved. Control your reactions to news received that involves women in your life and your current domestic life. It's a time to process what you have uncovered and decide how to proceed from this point forward. For more about the eclipse in your 5th House, click here.    

The signs of Aries, Libra and a Pisces will play important roles throughout November, Aquarius.