
Pisces November Forecast

November is going to be a fast paced month as there will be two eclipses (A solar eclipse and new moon in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse and full moon in Gemini). Additionally, the planet of Communications (Mercury) retrogrades in Sagittarius (Your 10th House of prestige). November will be a memorable for all signs, so let's take a look and see what is in store for you personally, Pisces.

The planet of love, Venus (Love), begins the month in Libra, your solar 8th House. You can experience passionate/intense exchanges when it comes to a love relationship, money, resources you share with another and possible insurance matters. Others find your presence lively, attractive and confident during this transit. You could find yourself getting a lucky break when it comes to the these areas during the Venus transit of Libra. This will benefit you as Venus brings popularity and success without much effort on your part, Pisces. The 8th House also deals with everyday issues like sex, birth and death. From 10/28 - 11/21, these areas come to your immediate attention, fast. Venus will enter Scorpio and your 9th House on 11/21 - 12/15. You could find the Scorpio transit to open your eyes when it comes to your love life and any areas connected to travel or higher education. You also notice misunderstandings clearing up when it comes to travel, foreign countries and your career during the Venus transit of Scorpio.   

Mercury (Communications) will retrograde between 11/6 -11/26 in the sign of Sagittarius. This is the last Mercury retrograde of 2012, Pisces. Try to get important details out of the way before Mercury retrogrades. In other words: Take advantage of the first 6 days of November to get your personal and professional relationships exactly where you want them, Pisces. Whenever Mercury retrogrades, it always a great rule to revisit, revise, rewrite, rethink or reorganize something. You can expect some delays and communication snafus during this time, especially where areas of your 9th and 10th Houses are involved, Pisces. After the 26th, you discover that any previous hassles or worries will dissipate.   

 Mars (Sexuality/Energy) also transits passionate Sagittarius until 11/16. Your energy levels will be focused strongly on your public status, your career and the VIPs in your life during this transit, Pisces. Mars revs your desires up while Mercury retrograde slows them down. Best advice? Take the time to review any bothersome areas you notice and avoid coming across as one with all the answers. This Mercury retrograde could impact you strongly, Pisces. Remember with Mars in Sagittarius, you must give some serious thought to your choice of words when communicating with/to others. You could be viewed as overly critical, if not careful with your exact choice of words.  

A Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur in the sign of Scorpio on 11/13. This eclipse transits your 9th House. To learn more about how eclipses affect you, always look to the House that they fall in and the areas of that House. More often than not, something will occur in this area of your life. Typically, in Astrology, eclipses signal beginnings and endings. To learn more about how this eclipse in your 9th House can impact you, click here.  

On 11/28, a Full Moon and a Lunar eclipse will fall in Gemini and your 4th House of home and family. A pressing issue revolves around your home and family life during this eclipse. There could be an emotional situation at home that needs immediate attention. You find a family member needs your help or you discover that someone close might not be living up to your hopes. You could feel that you're somehow responsible for any family related dilemmas. Pisces - you have a strong intuition and with your ruling planet, Neptune, now moving forward since 11/10, you will know what needs to be done. You might not like what transpires, but you will possess the foresight to instigate changes and alter decisions relating to your current home and family life, Pisces. The past and past descisons can also figure into this eclipse. 

The signs of Taurus, Leo and an Aquarius play important roles in your life throughout November, Pisces.