
Cancer November Forecast

November is going to be a big month as there will be two eclipses (A solar eclipse in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse in Gemini). Additionally, the planet of Communications (Mercury) retrogrades in Sagittarius. November will be a month to remember for all signs, so let's take a look and see what is in store for you personally, Cancer.

The planet of love, Venus, begins the month in Libra, your solar 4th House. The 4th House rules motherhood, home, the past and family members, Cancer. These areas will be fortunate for you, Cancer. This is a great time to entertain others in your home, redecorate your home, paint or renovate a room as any home improvements you make will satisfy you and others visiting your home will appreciate the soothing, elegant and stylish decor of your home.  This transit began in late October (10/28) and will end on 11/21/12. Once Venus enters Scorpio and your 5th House (11/21 -12/15), love gains momentum and could escalate into a serious commitment, if single. A new love is definitely in the picture for single Cancers - from November through the end of December. Those Cancers who are in love will enjoy late November and love the entire month of December even more. Venus in Scorpio is all about passion with a loved one, Cancer.

Mercury (Communications) will retrograde between 11/6 -11/26 in the sign of Sagittarius, your 6th House, Cancer. This is the last Mercury retrograde of 2012, Cancer. Whenever a planet retrogrades, look to the House that it falls in. For you, Cancer, it's your 6th House of employees, daily routines and diet/nutrition. This is a time to be a saver, not a spender! During this retrograde try not to buy anything too pricy, avoid signing contracts (if possible) and put off applying for a loan or any mortgage. If you must sign any contracts, have a friend or attorney double check the fine print. This retrograde can also find you reviewing your career, feeling frustrated by delays but it also could find you rethinking a new business approach that can change everything. You have a way of knowing what the public wants and when they need it, Cancer. Follow your heart when dealing with your career but expect a few minor delays along the way. Luckily by the 26th, you're back in a groove and find yourself more focused and determined than ever, professionally. 

 Mars (Sexuality/Energy) will also be in your 6th House (Sagittarius) until 11/16.This should be a time when your curiosity is heightened in all matters pertaining to the 6th House. You could find yourself more driven than ever when it comes to daily routines, your health/wellness and how you earn a living. The 6th House also rules repair/maintenance issues and health matters, yours or that of one close to you, Cancer. Mars brings physical energy and heightens your sexuality while Venus brings love, affection and admiration. On November 16th, Mars will enter the compatible earth sign of Capricorn and your 7th House of marriage. This can be a time of reflection for you, especially during the Mercury retrograde dates. You might rethink something related to your career or your health. After Mercury resumes direct motion, you might have a different perspective on your health or regarding your career. Follow the rules of Mars by thinking before you speak and avoiding any hint of emotional displays towards associates, where your health is involved or when it comes to the health of one close to you, Cancer.  

A Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur in the sign of Scorpio on 11/13. This eclipse will transit your 5th House. This eclipse brings about news relating to   love, passion, children and creativity this month. There could be a chance meeting and this could change your love life, if single or coupled. Expect surprises of a romantic nature on or around the eclipse date and New Moon, Cancer. To learn more about how eclipses affect you, always look to the House that they fall in and the properties of that House. More often than not, something will occur in this area of your life. In the 5th House, an eclipse brings about new offers regarding partnerships, such as romantic relationships. It could also signal the end or beginning of one important relationship. Then on 11/28, a Lunar eclipse and a Full Moon will fall in Gemini and your 12th House of untapped creativity. This eclipse could impact your social consciousness and makes you stand out in any crowd. Something secret that you have wished for occurs or you receive recognition for something creative. Both of these eclipses are making favorable angles to your Sun sign so expect some unexpected and surprising news, Cancer. You could discover that some relationships have simply run their course and realize this is for the best, Cancer.

The signs of Leo, Capricorn and a Aquarius will be involved in your life this month, Cancer.