
Leo November Forecast

November is going to be a stand out month as there will be two eclipses (A solar eclipse in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse in Gemini). Additionally, the planet of Communications (Mercury) retrogrades in Sagittarius. November will be a month to remember for all signs, so let's take a look and see what is in store for you personally, Leo.

The planet of love, Venus, begins the month in Libra, your 3rd House of communications, siblings and short distance travels. You can find the early part of November to be a time of relaxation and rest whenever Venus travels through your hopes and wishes sector, Leo. You will entertain and be entertained during this romantic transit. A special romance will be celebrated and your compatibility with a partner is well matched. Single Leos could meet the love of his or her life under this transit. Single Leos need to mix and mingle. Just try to make sure you do not begin a new relationship during 11/6 - 11/26 as Mercury, planet of communications, will be hitting your romance sector this month in retrograde motion, Leo.  

Mercury (Communications) retrogrades between 11/6 -11/26 in the sign of Sagittarius and your 5th House of passion, children and love. This is the last Mercury retrograde of 2012, Leo. Try to get important details out of the way before Mercury retrogrades. In other words: Take advantage of the first 6 days of November to get your personal and professional relationships exactly where you want them to be, Leo. You might have a strong desire to pick up and take off for a vacation or travel during this transit. If so, schedule your plans on either side of the Mercury retrograde. If this is not possible, double check your travel schedules and allow for some delays. It's not that you can't travel, Leo. It just is a good idea to expect or allow some delays, miscommunications or frustrations with your best laid plans during any Mercury retrograde. Whenever Mercury retrogrades, it always a great rule to re-think, revise, rewrite or reorganize something. You get the hint, Leo. To learn even more about Mercury retrograde, click here.

 Mars (Sexuality/Energy) will be in the compatible sign of Sagittarius until 11/16. You notice you possess the physical energy and determination to get important affairs in order where children, passion, a love relationship and creative projects are involved. Expect a surge in your energy levels and don't be surprised if you find that your sexuality is more heightened than normal, Leo. Mars brings out your inner lion and you will mesmerize others with your determination and dedication in these areas. Be cautious during the retrograde dates though for ideal results.

A Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur in the sign of Scorpio on 11/13. This eclipse will transit your 4th House. You could be dealing with new beginnings where your home life is involved. The 4th House represents home, motherhood, the past and where you live now and where you have lived before. You could be dealing with adjustments regarding your home and personal life during this New Moon/Solar Eclipse. On 11/28, a Full Moon and a Lunar eclipse will fall in Gemini, your 11th House of friends, groups and your hopes and wishes. Expect to be the center of attention where groups, friends, your hopes and wishes and an ongoing romance are involved. Some surprise information could come to light on this date that relates to a group to which you are involved. Emotions take over suddenly - so think before you react to any news you hear unexpectedly. What you learn could surprise you and change the dynamics of an existing relationship or friendship. The flip side to this is that you will have more insight into things that might have been sealed from you. To learn more about eclipses and how they influence your life, click here.

The signs of Gemini, Virgo and a Sagittarius will play key roles in your life this month, Leo.