
Capricorn November Forecast

November is going to be a serious month as there will be two eclipses (A solar eclipse and new moon in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse and full moon in Gemini) Additionally, the planet of Communications (Mercury) retrogrades in Sagittarius (Your 12th House). November will be a month to remember for all signs, so let's take a look and see what is in store for you personally, Capricorn.

The planet of love, Venus, begins the month in Libra, your 10th House of prestige and authority figures. These areas will benefit you, Capricorn. Your career progress could deepen and VIPs will be impressed with your talents. Once Venus enters Scorpio (Your 11th House on 11/21 - 12/15), you find that your close friendships are gaining momentum and any groups to which you belong to, Capricorn, will be fortunate areas for you. You might be nostalgic for an ex love or a time long ago. As the month picks up and Mars enters your sign, you find yourself to be in a good place and are grateful for those true friends who knew you back in the day.   

Mercury (Communications) will retrograde between 11/6 -11/26 in the sign of Sagittarius. This is the last Mercury retrograde of 2012, Capricorn. Try to get important details out of the way before Mercury retrogrades. In other words: Take advantage of the first 6 days of November to get your personal and professional relationships exactly where you want them to remain. Whenever Mercury retrogrades, it always a great rule to re-think, revise, rewrite, revisit or reorganize something.This Mercury retrograde could find you seeking deeper meaning in your life. Psychology, writing, anything creative you engage could feel stalled or filled with some snafus during this time. There can be delays, miscommunication and misunderstandings. Mercury retrograde can bring some hassles but overall, you find November to be a memorable month.    
 Mars (Sexuality/Energy) transits Sagittarius until 11/16. Good news, Capricorn, Mars enters your sign on 11/16. Your physical energy levels will soar from 11/16 - 12/25. Mars promises to heat up your sexuality and brings about obsessive desires. The key with this placement is to not say everything you're thinking without giving it some serious forethought, first. You might have a strong desire to skip town or take off for a vacation with a partner or travel with a love during this transit. If so, schedule your plans on either side of the Mercury retrograde. If this is not possible, double check your travel schedules and allow for some delays. It's not that you can't travel. It's just an excellent idea to expect or allow some delays, miscommunication or frustrations with your best laid plans during any Mercury retrograde. Travel on either side of the dates of 11/6 - 11/26 for ideal results and less aggravations in your schedules.

A Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur in the sign of Scorpio on 11/13. This eclipse will transit your 11th House.  To learn more about how eclipses affect you, always look to the House that they fall in and the properties/areas of that House. Typically, in Astrology, eclipses signal beginnings and endings. The 11th House represents hopes, wishes and your friends. Expect great news when it comes to these areas. It might feel as though everything is falling perfectly into place and it is!  On 11/28, the end of the month, a Full Moon and a Lunar eclipse will fall in Gemini and your 6th House of daily work routines and health and personal wellness. You notice progress in these areas and your confidence soars on this eclipse, Capricorn. Success in diet, nutrition, health and your daily work routines becomes evident.

The signs of Cancer, another Capricorn and an Aquarius will play influential roles in your life this month, Capricorn.