
Capricorn Best Compatibility

Capricorn Love Scope and Love compatibility 


Aries - You are both cardinal signs, so this relationship could find Capricorn feeling restless but equally secure with Aries. Aries gets a boost in prestige from Capricorn. You are both great at starting projects and relationships (cardinal component), but unless someone holds your attention, you both are likely to stray. In 2020, if rules are established and the trust and chemistry are present, why not live and let love rule? Caution Capricorn: In 2020, Aries might get restless, display temper tantrums and possible stray. To keep Aries interested, maintain some mystery for ideal results. This relationship is worth a shot. If you are already in a committed relationship, 2020 brings about serious expansion and a more serious commitment.

Taurus - Capricorn meets Taurus and wants to explore this attractive and compatible playmate. Capricorn senses that Taurus has much in common with them. Capricorn(s) intuition turns out to be 100% accurate. Capricorn finds Taurus physically appealing and Taurus returns the favor. These two can get married or make serious changes in their family and domestic life. Travel, and where these two live/reside will become serious topics. It might take some patience from Capricorn to make this relationship work. Advice: Be supportive with Taurus need for space and decision making and (You) Capricorn will conclude you have landed a dream love for life! However, In 2020, money could be a source of contention between you two! 

Gemini - Gemini reminds (You) Capricorn how important health, work, and wellness are. Capricorn meets Gemini and decides to get serious about important issues such as health, wellness, and diet. There is an attraction between the two of you and a strong mutual interest in some form of education. You develop a strong bond, fast. Over time, issues such as basic repairs, maintenance, illness and day to day living cement your fondness and understanding of one another. Capricorn gets an education, while Gemini teaches Capricorn about the healthy and practical side of daily life. 

Cancer - Cancer is your 7th House of marriage, contracts and legal issues, Capricorn. Cancer meets Capricorn and wants to make it official on the spot. Capricorn is flattered by the attention of Cancer but might have reservations about Cancers emotional side. After a time, you two really begin to click. This relationship gets better over time and eventually, Capricorn sees the light and decides to make a serious commitment to Cancer. Capricorn learns about permissions, legal contracts and Cancer can find his or her dream lover in this association. You complement each other perfectly in 2019 and beyond. Opposites Attract! 

Leo - When Capricorn meets Leo, Capricorn sees someone just like them, or so they think. Leo appeals to your desire for a good life, a successful career and a HAPPY family and home life, Capricorn. You have more in common than both of you first believed. Capricorn learns about obscure subjects with Leo and Leo learns about the reality of being in a long-term/monogamous relationship with Capricorn. This year, a powerful attraction takes place, fast. Leo and Capricorn will help one another flourish in their respective areas of interest. In fact, you two can surprise everyone as a flirtation or business venture escalates and benefits both of you!

Virgo - Here is a TOP choice for Capricorn. Virgo is thought-provoking, sensual and gives Capricorn exactly what Capricorn craves. Stability, security, and fulfillment enter the picture fast and before they know it, these two can fall madly in love. Virgo receives the ideal amount of affection and attention from Capricorn. These two can make it official in 2018 and beyond. Take a chance on Virgo, Capricorn! You won't regret it, but realize that Virgo will have many offers in love this year, so don't wait too long, Capricorn!  

Libra - Libra teaches Capricorn about career, success and how to handle life's ups and downs. These two signs are both cardinal so it will be important that the feeling is mutual or one or both of you will get bored, in a hot minute. Both of you sense that there could be something or someone better out there, but might not disclose this to one another. Libra must be aware that Capricorn will eventually expect hard work and assistance from Libra. Capricorn is driven by status and success whereas Libra just wants to engage in a good life. Capricorn won't let that mentality fly, Libra. Capricorn (You) will eventually demand that Libra step up and participate in the reality of daily living. Tone down your serious side when in the company of a Libra this year, Capricorn otherwise, Libra will disappear. 

Scorpio - Capricorn meets Scorpio and senses the two have much in common. Capricorn feels Scorpios attraction and over time these two can fall madly in love. Scorpio encourages Capricorn to be the best they can be and Capricorn will sense his or her power of persuasion in the presence of Scorpio. These two eventually will become friends first before love heats up. Scorpio genuinely wants to help Capricorn climb the ladder of success and Capricorn gives Scorpio the comfort of a secure, committed and romantic love life. In 2020, Scorpio might not be interested in waiting around for you, Capricorn, so if you're going to take it slow, let Scorpio know you're interested or you could lose out on the love of a lifetime. 

Sagittarius - Sagittarius rules your 12th House of privacy, seclusion and the past. There could be secrets in this relationship with Sagittarius, Capricorn. It could be as simple as Sagittarius finds you so attractive that they prefer one on one time together as opposed to going to parties or public events together. Either way, there will remain an element of privacy in this relationship, one way or another. Either both of you know what that/this is and keep it between you or you both decide to keep this relationship forever hush/quiet. Capricorn will eventually stumble upon some of Sagittarius secrets and might rethink this relationship. If you cannot provide a stable environment for Sagittarius in 2020 or ever, then let Sagittarius know this, so Sagittarius doesn't wind up heartbroken, Capricorn! 

Capricorn - Capricorn with another Capricorn is not as ideal as one would think it could be. Remember that there are other factors to consider when determining compatibility (such as Moon, Rising Sign, Mars and Venus placements/elements) and while initially these two connect, over time, one of you will fall victim to self-deception. These two do ground one another. Two Capricorns have a tendency to bring out the best in each other and in 2020, bonding, conversations and a friendship form, fast. 

Aquarius - Capricorn and Aquarius are more compatible than most suspect. Capricorn can make a fortune with Aquarius and Aquarius can share his or her darkest and deepest secrets (if any) with Capricorn. These two can and will bond closer over big life changes such as a domestic adjustment, loss of a job or anything else that comes up suddenly. Capricorn has found a friend and lover for life and Aquarius feels more content, cared for and tended to in this relationship, especially this year.

Pisces - Here is another TOP choice for Capricorn. Pisces is someone Capricorn takes one look at and decides to take a risk and it usually pays off for both. This dreamy lover (Pisces) will take you (Capricorn) places you have only dreamed of, Capricorn. Capricorn is mentally and physically stimulated with Pisces and Pisces feels that Capricorn is someone they can trust, implicitly. This relationship moves mountains in 2020. The two of you grow closer and finally commit this year. A shared love of passions such as literature or a special hobby can bring you two even closer.