
New Moon in Capricorn - SOLAR ECLIPSE - Back to SERIOUS Business - 12/26/2019

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

The New Moon/ Solar Eclipse in the cardinal EARTH sign of Capricorn occurs on 12/26 - the 10th House in Astrology which Saturn is ruled by and where Capricorn feels ready for a fresh start in a new direction.

When the Moon is in Capricorn, it’s time to start taking care of business. This is not the time for practical jokes or taking unnecessary risks, as people will be ultra serious and in no mood for frivolous comments. Focus on getting your work accomplished, attend to all business affairs and notice that we will all have a stronger sense of focus, so take advantage of these next 2 ½ days to get things in order and cross off your “to do” list. Issues concerning your basic daily obligations, your family, older people, authority figures, the governement and even parents will be brought to our attention when the Moon is in Capricorn.

People will expect you to keep your word, promises and deliver on that which you have committed yourself to. It’s also an ideal time to get rid of whatever is not working in your life, period. Whether it’s an old sweater, a bad relationship or items that no longer serve a purpose for you, throw them out! Get rid of any and all dead weight in your life. This is not the time to take a risk or gamble. Since Capricorn rules the bones and teeth, this is an excellent time for getting dental work done and scheduling appointments to see doctors. Capricorn holds rulership over banks, authority figures, fathers, the government and big businesses. Expect these topics to make the news for the next couple of days.

On a personal note, the signs of Capricorn and Cancer will be getting their way in love affairs, business and in general. The signs Capricorn and Cancer will be in the spotlight during this transit. They will possess extra sex appeal, radiate charm and be highly regarded in their personal and business affairs. These signs can expect things to come easily for them, so step aside and watch out for Capricorn and Cancer. They could turn out to surprise you with their popularity.

THE MOOD: After the optimistic Sagittarius mood, we tend to enter a sobering time. Yes, it's time to get back to business and apply yourself. You can expect to get a lot of work done under the influence of this New Moon and know that your focus will be phenomenal. Everyone is in a no-nonsense mood with a tendency to want to use one another to climb the ladder of success. Save the laughs for another time as this is deadly serious Moon.

 People will admire those who have responsibilities that are met on a timely basis, those who exhibit good self-control and organizational skills will stand out and be admired. Capricorn can make a fresh start during this New Moon. All signs will get to experience a new beginning, so wherever Saturn is in your chart - That will be YOUR fresh start. That House is where you will get a new beginning.

Remember that New Moons are considered prosperous and ideal times to begin new projects and relationships + with Saturn and Pluto also now in Capricorn, A Fresh start is in the air for Capricorn and how! You're looking exceptionally attractive to others!

With Mars in Scorpio (Scorpio), AVOID accidents, tone down your impulses and or what appears to be aggressive or impatient and sloppy behaviors for ideal results! This applies to all 12 signs and is the feeling in the air as we navigate this major year in Astrology. This is the LAST  Eclipse of 2019.

It's a GREAT time to: Visit older relatives and friends, Plan your investment portfolio, dress to impress (Yes, labels matter very much to this sign, so make sure you wear your BEST clothes). In other words: Dress for success and to impress. Work overtime, impress your boss, organize your life and remain on top insurance, important documents, and legal signatures. 

New Moons are good for:

A fresh start in a new direction
Making new friends
Cementing romance
Utilizing your physical energy
Planting seeds
Quitting a bad habit
Having fun with a group or that special someone
Plan ahead for good timing
Make a wish / Set an intention

Where will this placement bring you a fresh start, reality check or a new beginning? To read even more check out this   to see what areas will STAND out to you, additionally

CAPRICORN: Your 1st House of image, physical appearance and identity.
SAGITTARIUS: Your 12th House of seclusion and secrets
SCORPIO: Your 11th House of friendships
LIBRA: Your 10th House of public recognition:
VIRGO: Your 9th House of spirituality, foreign faces/places and publishing
LEO: Your 8th House of power, sex, taxes and other peoples money
CANCER: Your 7th House of marriage,open enemies, divorce and legal matters.
GEMINI: Your 6th House of repairs and maintenance and your daily routine
TAURUS: Your 5th House of fun, children and flirting
ARIES: Your 4th House of home and family
PISCES: Your 3rd House of communications/Internet
AQUARIUS: Your 2nd House of money/real estate

To learn how this will impact the next few years click