As the month opens, Mercury (Self-expression)
joins Mars (Physical Energy/Motivation and Sexuality) in your 4th House of home
(where you live currently and where you have lived in the past) and family
members. The 4th House also rules endings and can be a time when you reflect on
your past. Mars (Physical
Energy/Motivation & Sexuality) has brought forceful change to your home
life and you will find May to be a time of acclimating to domestic adjustments. Your home life with relatives will be playing a stronger than normal role. Issues from
the past are also another possibility with Mars in your 4th House of
Venus (Love)
enters Gemini on 5/9 - 6/2. Gemini is a compatible air sign and where Venus
travels is where love follows. Gemini rules your 5th House of passion, children
and creative projects, so you can expect May to be a time when appreciation, love
and admiration come your way without too much effort on your part. This is one
of your best times all year for love, creative projects and an ongoing romance.
With Venus in Gemini, you will need a partner with beauty and brains. Someone
who can seduce mentally is the right person for you, single or coupled. Singles
will find opportunities galore for a new relationship, while couples can get
even closer. If coupled, this is the best time to engage in hobbies with your
partner. Anything having to do with risk-taking, children, romance and fun will strengthen your bond. Single or coupled, this is your time to cement your relationship with someone very special.
There is a
New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus on 5/9, Aquarius. Your home life is a big
part of your focus this month and especially during this eclipse. It's all about new
offers to change where you live and a good time to get your home life structured the way you
want it to be. You could find that your home life is stress free and any
drama that occurred this past year with family members will be resolved with a positive
outcome. With Venus involved in this eclipse, there will also be a strong
emphasis on your love life. You could make the ultimate commitment and you find that discussions will
be fulfilling and keep you intrigued with someone whether you are single or coupled, Aquarius.
The Full Moon/
Lunar Eclipse will fall on 5/25 in Sagittarius, your 3rd House of short distance trips,
siblings, neighbors and self-expression. Caution, Aquarius! This Lunar
Eclipse can find you in a moody, emotional and frustrated state. The areas of
friendships, groups to which you belong and potential/possible trips overseas have the most impact on you. Be prepared for changes and new experiences in any of these areas during this important eclipse.
Good days for
you, Aquarius: 5/5, 5/10, 5/12, 5/20, 5/22 & 5/31
NOT so good
days for you: 5/8, 5/13, 5/14, 5/18, 5/21 & 5/27
A Taurus, Leo and a Scorpio will play important roles in your life this