
Capricorn May Forecast

Mars (Sexuality, strong sexuality and physical energy) begins the month in the compatible Earth sign of Taurus. On 5/1, Mercury (self-expression) joins in and your 5th House of romance, children and hobbies lights up. This month features two eclipses and highlights the personal planets occupying your love sector of romance, children and any love relationship in which you are currently involved, Capricorn. With Mercury, planet of self-expression, in your 5th House, you take a serious interest in a creative venture, hobby or passion. Anything you enjoy with regards to books, writing and fiction will appeal. With Mars also sharing the limelight with Mercury, you could be perceived as stubborn and aggressive when dealing with these specific areas. Dreams, imagination and the fondness you have for someone is magnified to the point of bordering on the excessive, but the planets are in your court, so enjoy the romance at the beginning and throughout this month, Capricorn.  

Venus enters Gemini on 5/9 -6/2, Capricorn. Gemini is your 6th House of health, wellness and daily routines. Diet, exercise and taking optimal care of yourself will serve you well, especially if you don't already practice/follow a healthy diet. These areas bring good news, a strong urge to follow through and ultimately you will experience beneficial results. You could receive numerous offers and enormous displays of affection coming your way via daily work associates and where your health and wellness are concerned. You will be complimented on your appearance during this transit. You will be dealing with travel for business or travel in general and the mood is optimistic as Gemini is all about facts, figures and the latest trends. Expect an increase in social activity, social invitations and lots of praise from your friends, family and loved ones when it comes to your health and work matters. These areas bring you the most good fortune this month when they are joined up with Jupiter, making single and coupled Capricorn appealing and enticing to more than one person.  

A Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur on 5/9 in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is your 5th House of romance, passion, creativity, children and all things fun. You love the Taurus energies and find that although emotions are heightened, you will be touched by something out of the blue that has a profound impact on you and your romantic life. New Moons signify new offers and with a Solar Eclipse in your 5th House, it will be a romantic, tender and memorable month to remember.     

A Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon occur on 5/25 in your 12th House of issues from the past, seclusion and people confined to hospitals, institutions or jails.  Someone who lives in seclusion may be part of the scenario. Caution, Capricorn, personal issues from long ago and far away could come up for review. You might have to confront someone or something you believed had been resolved. Your physical energy will be low during this eclipse week, so take it easier on yourself and try to spend some time in a mind/body discipline such as meditation, deep breathing or even yoga. You could be surprised at how much this Full Moon impacts you on a deep and transforming level.

Good days for you, Capricorn: 5/3, 5/4, 5/10, 5/12, 5/15, 5/23 & 5/28

NOT so good days for you: 5/1, 5/6, 5/8, 5/14, 5/21 & 5/25

A Gemini, Sagittarius and a Pisces play entertaining roles in your life this month.