May will be a
fast paced, enlightening month with two eclipses. As May begins, The Sun
transits your 2nd House of possessions, personal and financial. You could find
yourself more focused than normal on your income, resources you share with
others and your personal budget. These areas come into clear/sharp focus this month, Aries.
Additionally, on 5/1, Mercury will join the Sun in your 2nd House of
possessions. Expect the issue of finances and your future with regard to
finances to play a big role throughout May. There will be many discussions and
how you value and utilize your money will be scrutinized by others. You might find yourself
looking at the future with a hint of uncertainty. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in
Taurus on 5/9 will impact your 2nd House, and this eclipse brings Aries
opportunities to bring in more money via creative and innovative methods. Don't
fear change, Aries. Embrace it. New Moons equal new offers and an eclipse can
make a New Moon powerful. Circle this
date, 5/9, on your calendar, Aries, as the pace of daily life accelerates and your
phone will be ringing off the hook. There will also be lots of gossip, rumors
and buzz on many topics making the rounds on this date.
Mars (your
planetary ruler) begins the month in Taurus (Your 2nd House of finance and
personal possessions. Taurus also rules home life and domesticity, so you can
expect to be feeling connected to your home and family life strongly during
this transit. You might want to take a break from your busy schedule and spend
as much quality time as you can with family members when Mars transits Taurus. As you can see, there is a heavy emphasis on
the second house this month as it relates to your personal, family, and overall
financial security. There could be concerns or issues that worry you. You need
to tone down any hint of aggression when speaking on or about these areas.
Venus is all
about your love life and enters the sociable outgoing sign of Gemini, your 3rd
House of short distance travel, siblings and the way you express yourself both in
groups and one on one. Venus in Gemini brings you the ability to speak
effectively about your hopes and dreams and boosts your social life in a big way. Venus
begins the month in Taurus and enters Gemini on 5/9 - 6/2.
On 5/25,
there will be another eclipse (this time a Lunar eclipse and Full Moon) in Sagittarius, your 9th House of overseas travel, people from foreign countries and higher
learning. You will enjoy this eclipse as it falls in the complimentary fire
sign of Sagittarius. Good news, Aries. The 9th House brings you opportunities
to travel overseas, take an interest in publishing, higher
education and people from overseas. These will be areas that bring you a sense of
adventure and you find yourself becoming quite fascinated by travel, higher learning
and people from distant lands.
Good days for
you, Aries: 5/2, 5/7, 5/11, 5/15, & 5/29
NOT so good
days: 5/1, 5/6, 5/8, 5/16 & 5/27
The signs of
Gemini, Virgo and a Sagittarius will be involved in your activities this month,