
Taurus May Forecast

Happy Birthday, Taurus! This month will be a month to remember as serious milestones are on your horizon. The action begins on 5/1 when Mercury enters your sign and brings about the ability to express yourself eloquently. Others take note of you with Mars (Physical Energy/Sexuality and Motivation) and Mercury (Intellect, travel and self-expression) in your sign. This is a powerful month as there is also a Solar Eclipse and New Moon on 5/9 in your sign. This is your month to make an impression with the Sun, Mercury and Mars in your 1st House of appearance. You will feel physically well and energetic and your sexuality will be strong. Just avoid any possessive behaviors during this time as Mars in your sign can make you somewhat impatient and short tempered. It will also bring about help via or with males and boosts your sex appeal and motivation tremendously, Taurus. You have the undivided attention of someone very special as well, so do not even think of any display of jealousy. This will work against you. Focus on your health, appearance and nutrition for ideal results this month. A healthy Taurus is a happy one.  

There is a Solar Eclipse/New Moon on 5/9 in your 1st House, Taurus. In Astrology, New Moons equal new opportunities, and having an eclipse fall in your 1st House can bring news of a highly personal nature to your immediate attention. An eclipse in your sign brings twice the power of a New Moon, so pay attention during the week of this eclipse. Opportunities abound for personal and professional relationships. You will appreciate a slow and steady pace this month, especially in your love life. Mark 5/9 on your calendar as a day to remember and realize that what is set in motion will have lasting long term effects, so make sure you follow your heart and head regarding all serious relationships throughout May.

Venus will enter Gemini on 5/9 and Gemini is your 2nd House of finance. This transit lasts until 6/2. Where your ruling planet travels is where you benefit most. Venus will be in your sign until the 9th, and once it enters Gemini you notice appreciation and admiration coming your way from friends and associates. You will stand out in any crowd during this time and money and any financial issues will be less stressful. During this transit, you will be reviewing and examining your attitudes about money and might decide to revise some areas of your life where finances are involved.

On 5/25, a Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius transits your 8th House of deeply committed relationships and could bring about issues connected with power and control. The 8th House can be responsible for some intense emotions that might feel draining to you on this eclipse. You might feel emotionally all over the map on this lunar eclipse date. Take it easy and get plenty of rest during the week of the eclipse. There will be an element of the sudden and unexpected on this date with regards to a serious relationship or a financial matter. You might feel conflicted internally and this might surprise even you, Taurus.

Good days for you, Taurus: 5/5, 5/10, 5/12, 5/15, 5/20, 5/22 & 5/31

NOT so good days for you: 5/1, 5/6, 5/16, 5/21, 5/27 & 5/29

The signs of another Taurus, Leo and an Aquarius will play important roles in your life during May, Taurus!