As the month
begins, on 5/1, Mercury (Self-expression) will enter Taurus and your 11th House
of friendships. Mars (Motivation/Physical Energy and Sexuality) is also
currently in Taurus as well, and these two planets create power together. Work on
your friendships this month and know that rewards will come your way via
friends and any groups with which you are involved. This could be a support
group, a class you take or a charity if you are involved with one. You find
these transits to be less stressful as Taurus is a compatible Earth sign and
can bring about a smooth flow to your friendships and social life.
Expect to receive invitations galore and note the change in your social life as
it will accelerate rapidly this month, Cancer. It's always a good idea for Cancer
to get out of the house more frequently (you can be very home bound at times),
and May is a time when the socializing that you do will bring gains,
recognition and results. An added bonus, Cancer? Your ability to convince and influence others
is off the charts, Cancer. Mars will be
in Taurus until 5/31 and Mercury will enter Gemini on 5/15.
Venus enters
Gemini on 5/9 where it joins Jupiter and these two planets will occupy your 12th
House of creativity, issues past and secrets, Cancer. Venus is the planet of
love and Jupiter brings expansion into your life. There could be a secretive
element to an ongoing romance during this time. A serious love relationship is
under wraps or you and a partner want to spend alone time together and avoid
crowds entirely. Anything done behind closed doors is lucky and prosperous for
you, Cancer. Love will be somewhat secretive during this transit but the truth
will eventually come out. Single Cancer should do a background check on a new love while coupled
Cancers will see one another in their most authentic light. Gemini is a mutable
sign, and with Venus in Gemini, you can find yourself to be stuck between two
situations or two people. Follow your heart, Cancer. It will let you know when
you're on the right track this month.
A Solar
Eclipse and New Moon occur on 5/9 in the sign of Taurus and your 11th House of
friendships. New Moons are a favorable time for you as you are ruled by the
Moon, Cancer. This eclipse will force you to come clean about your true hopes
and wishes for your future. You will also be making gains through your closest
friendships and hear about them on this eclipse/New Moon.
A Lunar
Eclipse and Full Moon occur on 5/25 in the sign of Sagittarius and your 6th
House of health, daily routines and wellness.
Circle this date on your calendar as one to avoid altogether, Cancer.
This will be a hectic day at the office with emotional outbursts and drama
central. Time could seem to lag and you will find motivation is not up to par
on this date. Stay centered and try to tone down any aggressiveness or negativity you might perceive.
Good days for
you, Cancer: 5/3, 5/5, 5/10, 5/15/ 5/22
& 5/28
NOT so good
days for you: 5/1, 5/6, 5/14, 5/21, 5/27
& 5/31
An Aries,
Taurus and a Libra play key roles while a Scorpio plays a behind the scenes