Your ruling
planet, Mercury, enters Taurus and your 12th House on 5/1, Gemini. You might
feel as though May has a roller coaster feel/vibe to it. There will be highs,
lows and everything in between. Prepare for a wild ride, Gemini. Mars and
Mercury are a strong/powerful combination when placed in your 12th House of
issues past and secrets. Prepare to spend many a day in May by yourself or you
could find yourself immersed in a creative project, but there will be an element of
isolation to your life this month. The action begins on 5/1, Gemini. There is
a strong pull from loved ones but an equal desire to finish up unfinished
business this month. There could also be a secret you want to keep or you might
be engaged in a secret relationship that you don't want anyone to know about.
Only Gemini knows what this means for them but when the planet of action, Mars, joins up with Mercury, the mental planet, you can be sure your life will
feel as though you're in overdrive. You like a fast pace and with Venus in your
sign you will find more offers for love and business than you have had for quite
some time. Enjoy!
Venus enters
your sign where it joins Jupiter and this means good times and fortune ahead
where a serious relationship is involved. The path is clear and Gemini attracts
others with their charisma, ideas and appearance. When Venus transits your sign,
you will attract admiration, appreciation and the assistance from others- on YOUR terms. Virgo is your 6th House of health and wellness. Venus will transit your
sign beginning on 5/9 and remains there until 6/2. Singles can meet someone new
with serious potential while couples will have a greater admiration and
appreciation of one another. If you're an artist, writer or actor, this is a
time when you book that job or sign that contract. If you work anywhere in the arts, your creativity will
flow with incredible ease with Venus in your sign this month, Gemini.
A Solar
Eclipse and New Moon occur on 5/9 in the sign of Taurus and your 12th House of issues
past, secrets and seclusion. Since New Moons equal new beginnings and new offers, you could be presented with
opportunities related to improving finances or anything that involves creativity
and artistic pursuits.
A Lunar
Eclipse and Full Moon occurs on 5/25 in the sign of Sagittarius and your 7th
House of marriage, divorce and those who might oppose you. The 7th House also
rules the legal system, so it's entirely possible that your moods can be all
over the map on this powerful Full Moon. Your personal and professional affairs
become big issues as a major milestone of some kind will occur around this
time. The planet of Surprise - Uranus - makes a smooth angle to this Full Moon
suggesting an element of surprise or the unexpected in a personal and/or
professional relationship, or possibly in both.
Good days for
you, Gemini: 5/7, 5/10, 5/11, 5/20, 5/22 & 5/29
NOT so good
days for you: 5/4, 5/6, 5/14, 5/21 &
Gemini, Scorpio and a Pisces will play key roles in your life this month. A
Virgo plays a nostalgic role.