As the month
begins, Mercury (Self-expression) enters Taurus where it joins Mars and
together these two personal planets occupy your 7th House of marriage, legal
contracts, those who oppose you and any relationship that requires a legal
signature. With Mercury in your 7th House, Scorpios find May to be a time when
his or her energy is extremely low and you might feel exhausted, but with Mars in your
7th House, you find the physical energy to tackle your most important
relationships, personal and professional.
stimulating conversations with romantic and business partners, Scorpio. You
will also receive the assistance of males with Mars in your 7th House of Taurus
and a New Moon eclipse in Taurus on 5/9. This is a great time for love, if
single, and coupled Scorpio will be making a big announcement soon about a
wedding, birth and/or a new relationship. As May opens, the Sun transits your
7th House of marriage, divorce and those who might oppose you, Scorpio. This
month will be memorable as there will be two eclipses and Venus will occupy the
mutable sign of Gemini. Get ready for a month of serious beginnings AND
endings, Scorpio. The Lunar Eclipse at the end of April will continue to impact
your life for the next six months. May is a time of new beginnings for you but
it is also considered your low cycle time of the year. You might feel tired,
unmotivated and low on energy but the offers you receive will outweigh any
temporary lethargy. Singles sizzle this month and will have sudden offers while
couples will be thinking long term.
Venus enters
Gemini on 5/9 -6/2, Scorpio. Gemini is your 8th House of sex, power and money.
You experience rewards where other people's resources, taxes, insurance and
money are involved. With Jupiter also in Gemini, these two planets combine to
strengthen one another and you notice more movement and growth when it comes to
all properties of the 8th House. The 8th House also rules birth, personal transformation
and sex. You find that others are drawn to your magnetism and love takes you by
sudden surprise, single and coupled.
A Solar
Eclipse and New Moon occur on 5/9 in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is your 7th of
marriage and this is an auspicious time in Astrology for single Scorpio to meet
someone who fits their criteria. Couples will know exactly where they stand as
some change is in the air for Scorpios in love. The Solar Eclipse in Taurus is
a time to begin a serious business and/or a romantic venture. You could meet the
perfect person at the right time, in the right place and it will feel very
romantic and destined. This is a month when others let you know how they really
feel, personally and professionally. You will enjoy the appreciation and
adoration from others. Mark this date on your calendar and see what transpires.
A Lunar Eclipse
and Full Moon occur on 5/25 in the sign of Sagittarius and your 2nd House of finance
and personal possessions. This will be an emotionally intense day as Full Moons
heighten emotions. Something out of left field occurs in this area of your
life on or around the week of this eclipse. Prepare for some surprises as they
relate to your personal possessions on and around the week of this eclipse (Four
days leading up to and three days after to get an idea of what's to come.)
Good days for
you, Scorpio: 5/5, 5/10, 5/12, 5/13, 5/15, 5/19, 5/22 & 5/28
NOT so good
days for you: 5/1, 5/2, 5/4, 5/6, 5/16, 5/21 & 5/27
A Taurus, Leo
and an Aquarius will play important and unexpected roles in your life this
month, Scorpio.