
Sagittarius May Forecast

Venus (Love, money and good vibes/energy) enters Gemini on 5/9 -6/2, Sagittarius. Gemini is your 7th House of marriage, divorce and those who might oppose you. With Venus in your 7th House and two eclipses, this month is sure to stir up your deepest emotions, especially regarding big life areas, changes and recent adjustments. Marriage, your career and the legal system will play major roles this month, definitely more so than usual, Sagittarius. These areas will have benefits for you in some way, Sagittarius.  Venus brings gifts, love and appreciation from others close in a romantic way and/or regarding your career and could bring important legal documents front and center. The 7th House rules the legal system. With Venus in your 7th House, you could finally make peace with someone important from your past and find that your greatest rewards come to you via a serious, committed monogamous relationship. Conversely if you're in the process of divorcing or separating, you will be able to smooth out areas that could have been recently blocking you. In other words, divorces and separations will have an ease and amicable resolve where everyone involved walks away to their satisfaction. Singles will have excellent prospects for meeting a serious love interest while couples get closer or decide it's time to socialize more. With Venus in Gemini, the mental planet, there won't be as much animosity, so expect discussions to turn out positively even exceeding your own hopes and dreams.  Venus in Gemini also revs up your social life and brings about an offer in your professional and personal life that will be too good to pass up. .

Expect May to be a month to long remember as there will be an eclipse in your sign, Sagittarius. This, according to Astrology, is a very big deal and brings milestone events into your life. Expect tons of social and mental stimulation via speaking, writing and reading. You could be doing these things for pleasure or for work, but even if they are connected to work, Venus will bring on the love and good times.

A Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur on 5/9 in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is your 6th House of health, daily routines, wellness and nutrition. These areas take the spotlight the week of this eclipse date. All health and work related matters will be clarified. The pace will be fast, so remain alert as distractions come at you from all sides during this week. Try not to have expectations in any areas of your life on this Eclipse date, Sagittarius.    

A Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon occur on 5/25 in your 1st House of appearance and personal and private matters, Sagittarius. Anytime an eclipse occurs in your sign is a time of great change in your life, Sagittarius. This eclipse will feel very personal and meaningful to you. Something you have always felt was missing arrives and there is news of an uplifting and personal nature to celebrate. It's a day to celebrate YOU, Sagittarius. Your work, your past and present achievements and your most meaningful relationships (personal, social and professional) stand out and make you proud. You reap what you sow and hard work pays off while taking the easy way out could prove to be costly. Circle this date on your calendar as it signals impending change, in a good way. Anything you begin on this date will have an excellent chance at success long term, be it a new job, new love or independent project. Whatever and wherever you desire something, it will be yours for the taking; you just have to ask for it, Sagittarius.

Good days for you, Sagittarius: 5/2, 5/7, 5/12, 5/20, 5/29 & 5/30

NOT so good days for you: 5/1, 5/3, 5/13, 5/18, 5/21 & 5/27

A  Cancer, another Sagittarius and a Capricorn play executive roles in your life this month, Sagittarius.