
Leo November Love and Romance Forecast for 2014

The Sun and Venus transit your 4th House of endings, home life, issues past, motherhood and your relatives. A female relative will play a big role and the need for a domestic adjustment occurs or is at the very least, discussed seriously. 

As the month opens, Venus (Love and Money) tour Scorpio, your 4th House of home, relatives, your current residence and also deals with motherhood and issues past. With Venus in your 4th House, you might desire to stick close/closer to home this month. Nostalgia could play a huge role in your month, Leo. So could your relationship with your mother (more so than normal), female sibling or other relative, as well as a desire to refurbish or rearrange your furniture or make your home space as beautiful as you possibly can. On 11/8, Mercury joins Venus with the Sun, all touring

 in Scorpio until 11/16. During this time, you will really notice the emphasis occurring at home. Discussions take place regarding home life, where to live and a possible domestic adjustment works out for the best. Then, on 11/16, Venus will enter in Sagittarius, your solar 5th House of love, fun, hobbies, anything you do creatively and where gambling, speculation and taking risks become favored areas for you. November has a strong emphasis on your home life while the second half will favor you where children, love and anything you enjoy in your spare time is featured. It's a month of completions, rebirth, putting rituals into practice and November also finds Leo dealing with a profound and compelling personal transformation. The topics of sex, death and birth play serious roles here, Leo!

Your best days for love: 11/4, 11/5, 11/16, 11/19, 11/22 & 11/23

Your best days for money: 11/2, 11/11 & 11/30