
Virgo November Love and Romance Forecast for 2014

The Sun and Venus transit your 3rd House of travel, visits, relatives, siblings, neighborhood, community affairs, short distance travel and ideas that can become viable and profitable, Virgo. 

As November begins, the Sun and Venus will both occupy your 3rd House of short distance travels, siblings, community matters, neighbors and deals with your communication skills. Under this influence, you could feel compelled to beautify your neighborhood, your home and your community. Under the intense sign of Scorpio, Virgo is compelled to make serious changes and much needed decisions where these areas are considered. Expect all properties of the 3rd House to be areas that require your attention and gain your affection until Venus exits Scorpio on 11/16 and a day before, Neptune turns direct in Pisces, your 7th House of marriage and legal contracts. 

Venus enters Sagittarius (your 4th House of home, family and relatives) on 11/16. During the Venus transit of Sagittarius, your home will be your sanctuary and any work you do/perform from home benefits you. Females will be especially helpful. Singles could meet someone who lives in their neighborhood or be introduced to someone new through a family member. This is a month when couples feel secure in their love life and could be making serious announcements or have recently expanded their home and family life. Single or coupled, the second half of November finds Virgo feeling more homebound and desiring a few days off. A vacation will energize you immensely this month, Virgo. Take a romantic partner with you for ideal results. Love can grow by leaps and bounds this month for Virgo. A greater commitment to personal and professional affairs will be made this month. Virgo understands the need for a greater commitment, security and   desires a total commitment under the influence of the Sun, Venus and Mercury all in the all or nothing sign of Scorpio. You tend to seek out financial security as this makes you more secure in every aspect, Virgo!

Best days for love: 11/2, 11/8, 11/15, 11/19, 11/23 & 11/25

Best days for money: 11/1, 11/9 & 11/20