Painting by Gregory Morss

Your planetary ruler is the Sun, Leo. The Sun holds the most power in your chart, Leo. Leo is sign of love, entertainment and risk taking. You blaze your own trails and tend to dance to your own tune. You're naturally popular with the opposite/same sex and you mange to exert a commanding presence and radiate positive energy whenever you enter a room, single or coupled. You're not one to lead a solitary life, Leo. 2014 promises to be a stand out year for you, Leo, personally and professionally. It's a year for adjustments, whether it's a new outlook or a change in your core beliefs. 2014 promises to be a year of serious transformation for you, personally and professionally. What you think you want or need could drastically change with Uranus (Surprises) in Aries (Your 9th House of publishing, spiritual views, and higher education) and Jupiter (Expansion/Luck) in Leo, relationships, children and entertainment.
Saturn (Lessons/Pressure) will remain in Scorpio, your 4th House of home, and enters the more compatible fire sign of Sagittarius on 12/23. Saturn has been in Scorpio since 2012. With Saturn in your 4th House, you can expect to encounter increased pressure when dealing with relatives, your home/residence, issues from the past and where the topic of motherhood is involved. Those Leos who have been kind and built solid structures in these areas stand to benefit most. If you have been slacking off, not putting in effort in this area of your life, Saturn has some plans in store for you, like it or not. Saturn is about structure, discipline and it speaks about the past. Where you have been fair and honest, you get rewarded. If not, expect a wake up call not to remember. Good intentions go a very long way under the influence of Saturn.
Mars (Physical Energy/Sexuality & Motivation) transits Libra - your 3rd House from 1/1 until 7/25. Libra is your communications sector. This is a long transit and can create some powerful events/happenings when it comes to your neighborhood, siblings, travel and how you communicate with those around you, Leo. Your powers of persuasion promise to get you desired results when Mars is moving direct - just tone down any hint of impatience or aggression. On March 1st, Mars turns retrograde until 5/19. With Mars retrograde, you could encounter some turbulence with a sibling, sense that you're not being understood and in general, a feeling of low physical energy could prevail, Leo. April will be a stand out month with two eclipses and planetary chaos. Every sign will be feeling pressure in April. Reach out to an Aries, Gemini or Sagittarius during this fast paced chaotic month, Leo.
Jupiter (Prosperity/Expansion) enters your 1st House on July 16th until 8/13/2015. Expect July to be a time of great expansion, increased movement and personal growth. It will be a time when you benefit through your own hopes and goals, Leo. Your love, career and overall life will all be in sync during this time. Single or coupled, Leos will be making major life changes this year and learning how to deal with a brand new way of looking at the world. You decide to break free of anything or anyone you feel is holding you back and make room for exciting new offers, personally and professionally. The sky is the limit, lucky Leo! Special to Leo: While Jupiter is the planet of prosperity/luck, it can also be referred to as the planet of excess. Pay special/serious attention to your health and practice moderation (in all you do) for ideal/maximum results. Otherwise, you could be prone to weight gain or other nagging health issues if not careful.
best time for love is whenever Venus travels in Leo or a compatible Fire sign
element. The following is a list of your best times for love in 2014, Leo. Your ideal times for love in 2014 occur whenever the planet Venus transits a fire sign element. For you that would be when Venus occupies Aries (5/2 - 5/28), Leo (8/12 - 9/5) and Sagittarius (11/16 -12/10). During these dates, you're feeling upbeat, less stressed and notice others will be more drawn to you. These are great times/periods for single or coupled Leos. Couples can expect to get closer or make a serious commitment that is bound to last. Singles could meet a potential new love during these dates.
Your BEST months of 2014: August & November
Your most challenging months: April & October
Your best colors: Red, snow white and black!
Your BEST months of 2014: August & November
Your most challenging months: April & October
Your best colors: Red, snow white and black!