
Pisces Yearly Forecast for 2014

Your planetary ruler (Neptune) always exerts the most power over your chart, Pisces. In 2014, Neptune is now occupying the sign it rules naturally, which is Pisces. Neptune is all about spirituality, represents what is hidden from us - secrets, closed door meetings and also deals with dreams. Neptune in your 1st House in brings about a foggy energy that you might find you have no other choice but adjust to, Pisces. The more comfortable you are with illusions - real or hidden, the better off you will be this year, Pisces. 

 You're a highly sensitive intuitive water sign and you tend to live your life through your feelings, imagination and you're fascinated by all things transcendental. Neptune will tour your 1st House until 2026. During this transit, you could find the perfect partner that suits you in every way. Your ideas will appeal to large audiences, you capture others attention with your creativity and you note that you're intuition is spot on accurate, for better or for worse, Pisces. Under this influence, you must accept people as they are, not as you wish for them to be. Neptune represents that which is hidden, so you learn to deal with hard truths and sobering realities during this powerful phase in your life.

Good news, Pisces: Jupiter (planet of expansion, prosperity and luck/good fortune) begins 2014 in the compatible water sign of Cancer. Cancer is your 5th House of fun, sex for pleasure, highlights gambling and risk taking. Jupiter remains in the home bound sign of Cancer until 7/16 when it enters Leo until 8/11/2015. Single Pisces can find a new love during this time while couples will define their relationship and make a greater commitment. With Jupiter in Cancer, single Pisces can find true love. Make the most of the first 7.5 months of 2014 if love or a relationship is what you seek, Pisces. Special to Pisces: While Jupiter is considered a lucky planet, it is also the planet of excess. It would be in your best interest to avoid overindulgence when it comes to your health in 2014. Avoid excessive behaviors as you tend be especially prone to addiction, Pisces! Areas to pay close/special attention to in 2014 are your health and your sex life.  

Your ideal times for love in 2014 occur whenever the planet Venus transits a water sign element. For you that would be when Venus occupies Cancer (7/18 - 8/12), Scorpio (10/23 - 11/16) and Pisces (4/5 -5/2). During these dates, you're feeling upbeat, less stressed and notice others will be more drawn to you. These are great times/periods for single or coupled Pisces. Couples can expect to get closer or make a serious commitment that is bound to last. Singles could meet a potential new love during these dates.

Saturn (Lessons) begins the year in Scorpio, your 9th House of publishing, legalities, spirituality and overseas travel. Saturn is all about lessons, tests of maturity and demands order from you. With Saturn in your 9th House of spirituality, you could feel tested or challenged in some way when it comes to higher learning or you could possibly rethink your worldviews or question your life philosophies. Saturn has been in Scorpio since 2012 and will remain in Scorpio until 12/23/14. Saturn promises to give you a reality check, Pisces. Think back to 2012 to get an idea of how Saturn in Scorpio has impacted you.      

Mars (Physical Energy/Sexuality & Motivation) transits Libra from 1/1 until 7/25. Libra is your 8th House of sex, power and control. This is a long transit and can create some epic milestones when dealing with financial, sexual and or professional relationships. Realize though that you are in control of your behavior, so utilize diplomacy when dealing with taxes, insurance, mortgages and or inheritance issues. The 8th House is a unique House in that it covers such diverse areas. On March 1st, Mars turns retrograde until 5/19. The 8th House also rules other peoples money, so when Mars is retrograde (3/1-5/19) you could encounter some turbulence, frustration or general stress when it comes to your finances, deeply committed relationships or when dealing with other peoples money. You could be short tempered during this long retrograde. You also will examine your relationships, personal and professional. Expect some surprise announcements when Mars is retrograde in your 8th House, Pisces!   

   The signs of Taurus, Leo and an Aquarius will be involved. A Taurus displays affection. A Leo will surprise you in ways you never believed or thought possible while an Aquarius proves to be a close friend or special confidante.      

Stand out months of 2014: April, July & November