
Libra Forecast for May of 2014

The Sun transits your 8th House of security systems, other people's money, metaphysics, insurance, inheritance and other peoples property. The 8th House also represents your sexuality. May will be an unusual month when reversals, changes and elements of timing fortune you. There will be swiftness in the way events unfold this month, Libra. Late last month (April), there was a Solar Eclipse(4/29) in your 8th House of finances, inheritance matters, endings and shared resources/income. As May begins, the trend continues as Mercury (planet of communications and travel) begins May in the same area of your chart, Libra. May promises to bring about increased communications and can heighten your interest in matters taboo, offbeat and/or you could also be discussing with or dealing with a life threatening illnesses (your or someones close to you). Where Mercury travels/transits - is where your self expression and curiosity follow. Conversations tend to be more focused on income/finances, shared resources and this could also impact your sex life (or center on serious discussions about sex) as well, since the 8th House also rules sex. Mercury exits Taurus (your 8th House) and enters Gemini (your 9th House on 5/7. 

Mercury functions at a pace you're comfortable with when in a compatible air sign. With Mercury in Gemini, you could desire to travel overseas or be engaged in serious conversations with people in foreign countries. If you have any contracts to sign - make sure you read the detailed fine print before signing your name on any documents during Mercury in Gemini.  

Mars (Physical Energy/motivation) continues its retrograde in your sign, Libra (Your 1st House of self appearance) and finally resumes direct motion this month on 5/19. Good news, Libra. Where you have felt sluggish or low on energy, on 5/19, Mars resumes direct motion in your sign for an extended stay - until 7/25. Your personal and most meaningful relationships capture your undivided focus and attention during this milestone time in your personal life. Try to tone down what could be deemed aggressive or impatient behaviors as this will tend to work against you during Mars in your 1st House, Libra. In single, a new love interest captures your attention during this transit. Take a new love slowly during this period for ideal results, Libra. Your sexuality will be extra heightened and your desires magnified during Mars direct in your 1st House. Personal and professional activities favor you but it might seem as though your sexuality and your sex appeal soar throughout and stand out bigtime during the next few months. Love is bound to take you by surprise and you become more alive and motivated with Mars moving direct.Take advantage of having Mars (planet of motivation/physical energy and sexuality) in your 1st House as it brings a strong physical energy and motivation into your personal, social and professional life. This planet brings the ability to motivate, energize and stimulate you on a variety of levels. It can also be a time when disagreements can escalate, so be on your best behavior when dealing with those who matter most. The choice is up to you, so know that your actions and or reactions (or both) will speak volumes to others for you and about you this month. A new chapter will be assigned to you and involves a change in your home life, improvements to your health or when dealing with special relationships, personal, social and professional. You could be presented with an opportunity to begin a relationship that is sexually and emotionally satisfying. New doors ARE opening with Mars in your 1st House of appearance. 

 Venus (Love & Money) transits Aries from 5/2 - 5/28. This should bring positive results your way when it comes to love, marriage and legal matters. Whenever Venus transits your 7th House of marriage, this is a time that favors smooth timing, luck in love and brings you generally good fortune in serious personal and financial relationships. Existing relationships are cemented and coupled Libra become closer during this time. Singles could meet someone who takes their breath away while couples create life time memories. This is one of the best times for you in regards to love, single or coupled. You look like a million dollars to those who see you on a daily basis although you might feel contrary on low cycle days this week due to Mars in Aries and find others in an aggressive, impatient and argumentative mood. Ignore the noise!  

The New Moon occurs on 5/28 in Gemini. Gemini is your 9th House of overseas travels, legalities and highlights your spirituality and spiritual views. The 9th House also rules higher learning and education. Expect these areas to be full of surprises on this blissful day, Libra. 

The Full Moon occurs on 5/14 in Scorpio. Scorpio is your 2nd House of finances and personal possessions. Saturn is involved - suggesting that issues of power and control could take place. The odds of coming out a winner fall in your court on this day. Pay attention to the people you value and think about what makes them so valuable to you. It might be an ideal time to think about transforming some of your ideas about relationships, money and how you deal with your personal possessions on this powerful day.  

An Aries, Taurus and a Scorpio will be involved. A Leo presents you with an offer you might not be able to refuse. Expect some stimulating discussions to center on a variety of topics. A stronger connection is formed via a social network this month. With a Libra, your thoughts center on the deep past in this association, Libra. Another Libra will also play a sentimental role. 

Stand out colors: Burgundy, lavender and pale blues. 

Your BEST days for May: 5/5, 5/10, 5/11, 5/19, 5/20 & 5/24