
Aquarius November Love and Romance Forecast for 2014

The Sun and Venus transit your 10th House of authority, prestige, career matters, superiors, authority figures, fate, honors and public recognition until 11/22, Aquarius.

Venus (Love and Money) begin the month also in the water sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is your 10th House of career, prestige and public recognition.  You could find yourself gaining recognition via superiors, VIPs and with career matters throughout this transit. Venus will enter the more compatible fire sign of Sagittarius - your 11th House of friendships, hopes, wishes and group involvements on 11/16. Your greatest fulfillment throughout November will come from your professional standing and your friendships. Women will be especially helpful and promise to assist you in social and professional affairs. It's a month for you to explore your business options carefully while weighing the pros and cons of existing friendships and some long term associations. Some relationships have fallen by the wayside this year for Aquarius. With a heavy emphasis on Scorpio this month (The Sun, Venus and Mercury) early in the month, this energy could prompt you to become more intuitive and able to make decisions based on emotions, not logic and this is what is needed most from you this month, single or coupled. Keep in close touch with those who possess artistic talents this month. They will never bore you and you can gain from them. These individuals will be loyal, possess talent and promise to be life long friends with you, Aquarius.

Your Best days for love: 11/9, 11/13, 11/14, 11/19 & 11/27

Your Best days for money: 11/7 & 11/16