
Capricorn November Love and Romance Forecast for 2014

The Sun and Venus transit your 11th House of friendships, group involvements, hopes, wishes and your public life, Capricorn. You will be busy dealing with a sudden surge in popularity while you find yourself occupied with group activities and focus more intently on your hopes, wishes and your friendships during this transit that lasts until 11/22.

The planet of love, money and all things harmonious, Venus, begins the month in Scorpio, your solar 11th House, Capricorn. You receive great admiration, affection and attention from your hopes and wishes. Your friends, group involvements and a love interest will find you even more charming, lovable and able to express yourself in a tactful way. Your popularity soars and your presence is requested with Venus in your 11th House. If single, An ex love could enter the picture, Capricorn. Couples grow even more close and fonder of one another under the Sun, Mercury and Venus all touring in Scorpio. Once the 16th rolls around, Venus enters your solar 12th House of seclusion, secrecy and self imposed isolation. With Venus in the 12th, areas such as mediation, isolation and private time will benefit you in love and money greatly, Capricorn. If you are working as an artist and have a project to work on, there will be a fortunate outcome as long as you plan accordingly. Venus will be in your 12th House from 11/16 - 12/10. Take advantage if this time, so that you engage in activities that will benefit you. Hospitals, retreats and prisons are also ruled by the 12th House so if you know someone confined in some way, news received should be better than expected. Your greatest joy this month comes to you in the form of a balance between spending the right time with others and making sure you spend some time alone or with someone special behind closed doors to really maximize the effects of Venus this month, single and coupled. And be gentle with others when negotiating any past disputes.  

Best days for love: 11/1, 11/2, 11/10, 11/11 & 11/19

Best day for money: 11/8