
Sagittarius November Love and Romance Forecast for 2014

The Sun and Venus transit your 12th House of seclusion, privacy, illusions, secrets, hospitals, government offices and deals with "out of the way" places and privacy, Sagittarius. A relationship could be occurring in secret this month or you could discover some of your secrets being examined. The 12th House also deals with prisons, hospitals and institutions, Sagittarius. 

Venus (Planet of love, appreciation and admiration) begins the month in Scorpio, your 12th House of secrets, privacy and possibly romance taking place behind closed doors.  The 12th House rules secrets, isolation and what you keep hidden from others, Sagittarius. The 12th House can be an uncomfortable/isolating place but it helps you understand what might need to change on a deep level. The good news? Venus enters your 1st House of personality, seductiveness and sex appeal on 11/16. Venus makes you exceptionally alluring to the opposite/same sex throughout the second half  of this month, so make sure you look your personal best, Sagittarius. Experiment with new colors and try a new look or add to your wardrobe and see the results you achieve and hear the compliments from friends and strangers alike. You will be able to find an audience that appreciates you and you  could even manage to land tempting serious offers, personal, social and professional. Venus in your sign gives you the ability to go after what you want and whom you desire. 

Best days for love: 11/3, 11/4, 11/10, 11/14, 11/16, 11/19, 11/20 & 11/28

Best day for money: 11/17