
Libra November Love and Romance Forecast for 2014

The Sun and Venus transit your 2nd House of personal possessions, self-worth and places a higher than normal regard on those things and people you consider to be valuable and financially secure this month until 11/22, Libra. 
Venus (Love and Money) begins the month in the dramatic, all or nothing sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is your 2nd House of finances, personal property and investments. With Venus in Scorpio, Libra can expect to know on a purely instinctual level where they stand when it comes to finances, investments and earning/income potential. There can be positive feelings when it comes to financial security and the good news? You eventually gain further insight and foresight in your financial affairs this month. More money is a serious possibility this month. Money that you were not anticipating or money that you have been waiting for finally arrives. This would be an ideal time (Venus in Scorpio) to balance your budget, trim unnecessary expenses and begin saving for a rainy day, Libra. You won't be disappointed, Libra!

On 11/16, Venus enters the more compatible sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is your 3rd House of self-expression, siblings, short distance travels, community issues and also deals with your neighbors. From 11/16 through 12/10, your greatest chance for love and money occurs through your 3rd House. You could grow closer to siblings or siblings express their love and devotion to you, or you could be dealing with a community project that makes you the talk of the neighborhood and you might notice that your everyday life has a smooth flow to it during this time. Venus is your planetary ruler, so with Venus in Sagittarius, you also see how you benefit from popularity when it comes to all properties of the 3rd House. Libra could be involved in a romance taking place as close as his or her neighborhood that becomes more serious and possibly committed while Venus travels through the 3rd House and if single. Coupled Libra will decide to end a rut and get more involved in community affairs, spend more time with family and possibly travel to a distant town during the month of November. It's a month where you reap all you have sown - where love and money are involved. 

Best days for Love: 11/3, 11/4, 11/7, 11/9, 11/14, 11/18 &11/26

Best days for Money: 11/1, 11/8 & 11/17