
Libra 2015 January Monthly Astrology Forecast

Where you will benefit in love, popularity and money this month, Libra?

Venus enters your 5th House of romance, creativity and taking risks, Libra. The 5th House also deals with creativity and things you do on your time off. You have your best offers this month in these areas. It's your kind of month when it comes to love, children and creative pursuits. You receive love, affection and serious admiration from a love interest, if single. You will be "in love with love" and enjoy the affection bestowed upon you. Couples grow closer and enjoy exploring shared interests and hobbies. Mars (Physical Energy/ Sexuality) will be in your 6th House of health, wellness and your daily routines. Mars can bring about aggression and a short temper when dealing with your work life this month. Co-workers could find you to be overly demanding and aggressive when it comes to spilling the details of your personal life, so be careful of a tendency to reveal too much about life away from the office, Libra.