
Sagittarius 2015 January Monthly Astrology Forecast

Where you will benefit in love, popularity and money this month, Sagittarius?

Venus (Love) moves in your 3rd House of siblings, short trips and neighbors, Sagittarius. Mars (Physical Energy/Sexuality) also enters your 4th House of home, family and domestic affairs. Romantic encounters are as close as your back yard under this transit of Venus. You could be introduced to a new love through a relative or neighbor. You will also be taking many fun filled short trips where you tend to stand out in a big way! The pursuit of pleasure will appeal to you strongly with Venus in your 3rd House. Venus brings love, admiration and affection your way in these areas. Venus will enter in Aquarius on 1/3. Mars in your 4th House brings luck with men and a tendency to get your home life in order, like now! There could be a nagging issue in your domestic life that you hope to rectify and you might tend to be forceful when expressing your solutions and opinions in this ongoing matter. Your greatest rewards involve your family, neighbors and siblings this month, Sagittarius. Just avoid what can be perceived as aggressive behaviors for ideal results, Sagittarius.