
Leo Love in 2014

 Learn about Astrology and see how the stars influence your life, love, career and other important relationships.

Leo Love scope and Love compatibility for 2014

Aries - One look at Aries and you end the search, Leo. Aries is the one you have been waiting for, Leo. Aries is your 9th House of travel, spirituality and foreign countries. You're both passionate, get one another instinctively and actually find true and lasting love together. It only gets better with an Aries, Leo. This outgoing sign can out do you on a good day. You will find Aries to be an adventurous love and ideal match for you in 2014.

Taurus - Leo adores Taurus practicality from the get go. Taurus can improve Leo's social life and introduce Leo to VIPs, people in powerful positions and important contacts that Leo is seeking. Leo can in turn, provide Taurus with stability, unconditional support and keep Taurus laughing out loud all night long. A love of animals also plays a key role in this relationship. Together Taurus and Leo will experience laughter, history and a strong bond. The only issue arises when Leo isn't giving Taurus his or her undivided attention. Taurus is super sensitive to Leo's wandering eye. In 2014, Leo ponders a serious future with Taurus. 
Gemini - Leo takes one look at Gemini and sees instant fireworks. Gemini takes one look at Leo and sees the good life, a life Gemini is seeking. Gemini has a fantastic sense of humor and the banter between you two is unmistakable. Here is a friend for life, Leo. Love with a Gemini is an excellent choice for you in 2014. You're free to be you and engage in silly and off beat conversations in your romance and social life with Gemini. This relationship becomes more important over time for both of you, Leo. To keep the fires burning, it is important that you keep the lines of communication open.
Cancer - When Leo meets Cancer, Leo senses this is a soulful, expressive and caring/loving personality and one that is intellectually interesting and sexy to boot. Leo admires Cancer's instant devotion and will reward Cancer for always being there, no matter what. Leo also finds someone to share their deepest secrets with. The Sun (Leo) needs the Moon (Cancer) to sustain life. The only problem arises when Leo isn't giving Cancer the attention Cancer needs. It's fun while it lasts and how long it lasts will usually be up to Leo. Sorry, Cancer! :(

Leo - This is NOT an "ideal" pairing for you, Leo. Not only in 2014, but, in general as well. At first, there could be a heavy physical attraction however, the spark fades, FAST. As you get to know another Leo, you find that your emotions dominate over your intelligence and that is no fun or practical for either one of you. You share a mutual love of the spotlight and both need to realize that someone (one of you) is going to have to eventually give in. It might be best to keep this relationship on a friend level basis unless one of you is willing to let the other shine or seek the spotlight. Be the yin to your partners yang if you want this relationship to survive the storms of 2014, Leo.

Virgo - Leo meets Virgo and is drawn to Virgo sex appeal and understated charm. Virgo is someone who doesn't brag about themselves. The earthy nature of Virgo is alluring to Leo. Leo learns to cut expenses and balance the budget with Virgo, but secretly gets the most SATISFACTION from Virgos loyalty, sensual approach to love and the warmth Virgo brings into Leo's life. Good food, travel and good friends will be a huge part of this relationship in 2014 and beyond.

Libra - Air and Fire get along famously and Leo loves Libra's overall style while Libra admires Leo's bold approach to love and relationships. Music plays a big role in this relationship and Leo will learn more about music with the assistance of lovely and talented Libra. This is a mutual admiration society. And one of your top choices for love in 2014, Leo. The only downside is that after time, Leo gets restless and checks out emotionally or sexually. This is where problems can arise. Leo needs to give Libra more consideration and focus for ideal results.

Scorpio - Scorpio is your 4th House of home, family and the past. "Have I seen you before?" or a feeling like it occurs with Leo when initially meeting a Scorpio. Leo and Scorpio are a magnetic and powerful pairing. You're both fixed signs (like Taurus and Aquarius are), so stubbornness or a fixed opinion could end this relationship before it begins. In 2014, Leo finds Scorpio's outgoing friendly approach attractive, while Scorpio gets the VIP treatment from Leo. It will be worth a shot in 2014.

Sagittarius - Leo loves Sagittarius contagious, infectious and optimistic approach to life. Leo finds Sagittarius not only positive to be around, but attractive and compatible from the moment they first meet. Sagittarius will inspire Leo in the arts, music and in life. This pairing has what it takes and it doesn't get much better than this, Leo. The only potential downside is that Leo could mistake Sagittarius friendliness as a sign of flirtation and interest. Leo sees a compassionate person who matches their personality or so it seems. Leo needs to understand, though, that when the going gets tough, Sagittarius will be long gone. Special to Leo: Draw clear boundaries of what you both want from this relationship from the get go and make sure, Leo, to remind Sagittarius to never break them.

Capricorn - When Leo (You) meets Capricorn, there could be a sense of immediate friendship pending. Capricorn has much in common with Leo, but it's mostly on a surface level. After getting to know one another, you could have a friend and lover for life, Leo. Like Barack Obama (Leo) and Michelle (Capricorn) Obama, you will complement each other quite nicely and you balance each other out. Capricorn is more methodical in their approach to love whereas Leo dives in head first. Take this one slow for best results, Leo. You could have a friend and love for life if you play your cards right. In 2014, you grow even closer to a Capricorn. Marriage is a possibility this year.

Aquarius - Opposites attract in 2014 for these two fixed signs. There is immediate attraction, a strong sense of compatibility and enough challenges to keep you both interested. Aquarius will keep you intrigued by his or her innovative, stylish and leadership qualities. Together, you beat the status quo and others will find you two to be more attractive together than when apart, physically. You could take a casual relationship to the next level with Aquarius in 2014. Go for it! You only live once and shouldn't miss out on what could be your most deeply fulfilling relationship.
Pisces - Pisces is Leo's 8th House of sex, power and the paranormal/metaphysical world. This relationship could dazzle Leo, initially. Here is someone Leo can talk to about anything and finds Pisces physically appealing on every level imaginable. Pisces sparks Leo's interest in areas like power, control and sex. You could find yourself hopelessly drawn to Pisces, but there are so many other prospects waiting for you, Leo. Think twice before saying farewell to someone who has been there for you, for better or for worse before committing to a Pisces in 2014. And remember that character is doing the right thing when no one else is looking, Leo. Make that your motto in your relationship with a Pisces in 2014.

Copyright © Elizabeth Ellis of Addicted to Astrology