
Virgo Love in 2014

 See  HOW the stars influence your life, love, career and other important relationships.

 Love compatibility with every sign for Virgo in 2014! 

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball


Aries - Aries is a wise choice for you, Virgo. Aries teaches you how to express yourself in a relationship and you develop self awareness with the assistance of Aries. You're drawn to the fiery nature of Aries, but could find that secrets eventually come to light and not in a good way, Virgo. Over time, Virgo feels that Aries is too demanding and wants to exit, stage left. You might feel that something is missing and you could be right, Virgo. Follow those instincts. Secrets from the past will play a big role on both of your parts. You will know whether or not Aries is a keeper and vice verse.

Taurus - Taurus is a top choice for Virgo in 2014. Taurus makes Virgo feel loved like no other. Travel will play a role in this love relationship and so will Virgos worldviews and spirituality. Virgo learns from Taurus and opens up/ confides in Taurus and this sharing cements their love and devotion. This is an IDEAL match as Taurus shares many of your best qualities such as patience, determination and unwavering loyalty. Don't let Taurus get away, Virgo! This could be the one you ultimately decide to marry and have children with. Yes, it  gets that real, Virgo!

Gemini - Gemini will intrigue Virgo, initially. Geminis mental abilities and extensive knowledge appeal to Virgos curious mind and that is where romance begins for Virgo. There will be rules that need to be firmly put into place before you two can commit, however. Gemini will need to tone down his or her party/other life and Virgo will need to grant Gemini space for this to work. One thing is certain: Conversations between the two of you never get boring, but they can also lead to drama, disappointment and ultimately embarrassment, Virgo. Don't say I didn't warn you, Virgo! Gemini can be fun, but when it's time to get down to business, they (Gemini) might be running out the door leaving you (Virgo) ultimately stranded.

Cancer - You meet Cancer and see your future already mapped out, Virgo. Cancer is another great choice for Virgo in 2014. Cancer is an ideal mate for Virgo and Cancer helps Virgos dreams become realities. Virgo feels they have met someone whom they can not only confide in, but that Virgo feels safe enough to share his or her secrets with without feeling ashamed or put on the defensive. After time, communications could/might become strained, so to keep this relationship going, Virgo must communicate clearly with Cancer, for better or for worse. That will be the only issue that crops up between an otherwise excellent pairing, Virgo.

Leo - Leo is attractive and knows how to make an impression you, Virgo. Here is someone bold, assertive, socially fun (to hang out with) and sexually enticing. Virgo is introduced to people in high places (VIPs) while Leo feels they have met a partner who can be trusted, finally. Virgo and Leo will share stories and talk until the Sun comes out. Leo appreciates Virgos work ethic, understated but powerful appeal and meticulous approach to presentation and business. This is someone who is going places. Why not join this powerful sign, Virgo? You won't regret it!

Virgo - When Virgo meets another Virgo, these two are usually changing relationship status when they first come together. The attraction could be strong, but there will be also be a feeling that something is missing over time. If one Virgo is thinking this and the other is not, confusion ensues. You two tend to experience constant new beginnings together and this will be a huge part of your romance, mutual fascination or a big source of irritation over time. It's entirely up to both of you how you choose to live out your love life together. Constant changes will always play a role in this relationship. Something to think about before making a legal commitment, Virgo! 

Libra - Libra is your 12th House of secrets, the past and seclusion. You find Libra to be especially attractive, well dressed and stylish. Libra is drawn to Virgo, but as much attraction as there is here, there could be a big element of secrecy and who wants that? Not Libra and definitely NOT you, Virgo. The communication between you two is very strong, but it might be best to keep this relationship as friends as opposed to lovers, especially this year. Virgo will feel that Libra is withholding information and could be right. Don't ignore your intuition with a Libra, Virgo. It will be spot on accurate. Disagreements could ensue overtime if the two of you do remain together. Virgo has a dark side, so anything is possible.

Scorpio - Scorpio is your 3rd House of communication, short trips and siblings. When Virgo meets Scorpio, Virgo feels an instant physical connection. Scorpio is flattered by the undivided attention that Virgo provides. These two are powerful match. Scorpio needs to tone down his or her intensity and Virgo must learn how to get a handle on what they reveal to Scorpio. Keep the communication lines wide open, Virgo, or Scorpio might you ask questions you prefer not to answer. The past could play a role for both of you in this relationship, for better or for worse. In 2014, you will feel a spark OR conclude that it was fun while it lasted. The final choice will always be up to you, Virgo.

Sagittarius - When Virgo meets Sagittarius, there are serious sparks. But sparks don't keep a relationship going long term unless there are other variables at play. Sagittarius shows you your potential and you show Sagittarius a good time. Talk about passion! This is a social, compatible and romantic pairing. In 2014, these two could make it official whether they have dated for years or just met. A serious connection evolves to the point of a home, family and children. There is an incredibly strong bond between the two of you this year.

Capricorn - This is a TOP match for you, Virgo. Capricorn understands you on a human (basic) level and you sense this immediately upon meeting him or her. There is attraction, shared interests and a strong desire to make this relationship official, FAST. In 2014, Virgo and Capricorn will be going places together. You have a strong bond and can make a marriage/relationship last. It doesn't get better than this, Virgo. Don't let Capricorn get away in 2014. This can be an ideal match for you in a long term love relationship. Capricorn will keep Virgo grounded.

Aquarius - Aquarius is intriguing to Virgo. Virgo sees Aquarius as the leader, provider and friend that Virgo wants to have. Aquarius represents what Virgo finds attractive and prompts Virgo to study or do some serious research. Aquarius adores Virgos work ethic and dedication to his or her health and personal health and wellness. The two of you can make a relationship solid, secure and committed. This relationship sustains itself overtime. Aquarius also appreciates the loyalty of Virgo and Virgo proves to Aquarius that friendship is where love begins. Talk about surprises, Virgo!

Pisces - Pisces is Virgos 7th House of marriage and legal contracts. These two opposites will learn from one another and the attraction between these two is undeniable, indescribable and passionate. Pisces grounds Virgo while Virgo grants Pisces the space and it couldn't be any more ideal for Virgo. Pisces is a keeper and a top choice for Virgo. Virgo needs to make sure they don't let their opposite sign swim away. After time, Virgo might feel under shadowed by the attention Pisces attracts. If Virgo can hold off and be reasonable, not overly sensitive, then this is the relationship you have been waiting for, Virgo. Talk of serious subjects such as marriage and commitment will occur between Virgo and Pisces.

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