
Libra Love in 2014

   Learn about Astrology and see how the stars influence your life, love, career and other important relationships.

Libra Love Scope and Love compatibility for 2014


Aries - Opposites attract and this pairing is a top match for you, Libra. Aries is bold, charismatic and socially you two can party the night away. When you first are introduced to Aries, you see yourself getting serious about making BIG decisions in life, such as marriage and your career. Aries is your 7th House of marriage, divorce and the legal issues. This is an ideal match in that you balance each other out perfectly. These two opposites attract for the long term and how. Marriage, children and a home will ensue or play a big part in this relationship.

Taurus - When Libra meets Taurus, Libra is charmed by the beauty of the Venus ruled Taurus. Libra feels instant compatibility when meeting Taurus, as you both share a mutual fondness of the good life. Libra learns valuable lessons about money and personal finances with a Taurus. In 2014, the two of you bond closer than ever as you stand to learn more about each/one another and realize you share many things in common, including mutually shared responsibilities and basic obligations. Ironically, these areas promise to bring and bond you two closer.

Gemini - Gemini is your 9th House of overseas travel, legalities, spiritual views and publishing, Libra. A varied and balanced life means the world to you, Libra. And Libra deserves the very best. Gemini provides presents/gifts, love and affection to Libra and then some. Expect Gemini to spoil you in 2014, Libra. Libra fantasies can turn into serious realities in this partnership. This combination is "a perfect match" for Libra. You two can grow closer this year.

Cancer - Libra meets Cancer and wants to meet Cancer's parents, like yesterday. Lets make this official already, thinks Libra. The home loving sign of Cancer will appeal to Libra on many levels. There could be an element of business somehow connected in your relationship. Perhaps one of you work at the same office or you meet through your job, a social network or via a charity event. One thing is certain with a Cancer, Libra. You and Cancer can climb to the top of the corporate ladder together. Cancer can and will surprise you when and where you least expect it, Libra.

Leo - Leo is your 11th House of friends, hopes and wishes Libra. Leo flatters, charms you and tells you what you want to hear. Not what the truth is necessarily but you hear music and see hearts with Leo, Libra. Ruled by Venus, your charm attracts and entices Leo into your social and romantic world with a just a single seductive glance or a hint of the right perfume. Libra secretly loves private time with Leo, and this could be the real thing or the beginning of the end. Meeting in secret or having a secret relationship makes this relationship even more attractive to both of you. The only problem with secrecy is that what comes around does, in fact, go around. Honesty will keep this relationship on track. This will be hard for Leo though! Leo could eventually tire of you and desire something or someone else.   

Virgo - Virgo is a mystery and an enigma to you, Libra. You might find that higher education, teaching, learning and Virgo's personal development play a big role in this relationship from the get go. A Virgo teaches you things about yourself that prove to be valuable and life changing, Libra. Listen to the opinions of Virgo even if you agree to disagree. It's worth the insight, Libra. Virgo can teach you valuable lessons and you can teach Virgo that it's never too late to begin again.

Libra - Another Libra is your IDEAL match, Libra. Legendary lovers and the longest lasting loves are usually Libra with another Libra. Life is free, easygoing and seriously romantic with another Libra in 2014 and beyond. This relationship can make it to the church faster than you can say marriage. This is the one you have been waiting for your entire life, Libra. Talk about love, never ending smiles and sweet surprises, Libra. You will feel as if your dreams have  come true/materialized with another Libra.

Scorpio - Libra finds the mystery of Scorpio intriguing, but Libra also gets involved with mysteries, psychology and secrets when dealing with a Scorpio. In 2014, a Scorpio could catch your eye or vice verse. You both have had tough lessons to learn in the past few years and both of you are in a solid place to enjoy a committed relationship this year. The only problem could be isolation entering the picture after time. Libra needs to give Scorpio occasional space and Scorpio needs to come to terms with Libra's varied interests and passions and unfortunately, they don't all include Scorpio. Libra learns about love through a Scorpio. Secrets could play a role in this association but true love conquers all this year.

Sagittarius - When Libra meets Sagittarius, Libra feels as though he or she is meeting someone who gets them, feels like a sibling and doesn't misunderstand Libra's mixed messages or ambiguous intentions. Libra adores the attractive, outgoing and optimistic nature of Sagittarius. Libra will turn ideas and fantasies into realities when in the presence of a Sagittarius. This is another good choice for you, Libra. It's up to you to pick who you want to love you in 2014, Remember that/this!

Capricorn - When Libra meets a Capricorn, Libra sees a future, home and a family life together. There is just something about Capricorn that Libra finds beyond charming. Libra is an air sign and Capricorn is an earth sign. Although you could fall madly and passionately in love, the love will never last as long as you want it to, Libra. Domestic and romantic plans can change in 2014 between Libra and Capricorn, for better or for worse.

Aquarius - Aquarius is your 5th House of laughter and a fellow air sign, Libra. Here is someone who you meet and want to take an immediate risk/chance with, Libra. And you usually wind up jumping head first into a relationship with Aquarius quite easily and effortlessly. You secretly love gambling together, taking chances and outdoing one another. This is fun for awhile but after time, Aquarius may appear too rigid and strict for you, Libra. You will understand Aquarius motivations but may be stumped by Aquarius lack of empathy and support. The dynamics in this relationship will constantly change.

Pisces - When Libra meets Pisces, Pisces is smitten upon first sight. Libra takes his or her time when selecting the perfect match, so Pisces could seem a bit eager for Libra, initially. These two could form a legendary romance overtime that gets only gets better. This relationship works because Libra needs to learn lessons from it. There are wake up calls, learning to read contracts and figuring out how to deal with the details for both Libra and Pisces in a love relationship. However, at the end of the day, Pisces is someone who lights Libras fire, understands Libra and will support Libra in a way that is tender and sweet. Just the way Libra likes it!

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