
The Moon in Capricorn

When the Moon transits the sign of Capricorn in Astrology - Capricorn is the 10th House in Astrology

When the Moon is in Capricorn, it’s time to start taking care of business. This is not the time for practical jokes or taking unnecessary risks, as people will be ultra serious and in no mood for frivolous comments. Focus on getting your work accomplished, attend to all business affairs and notice that we will all have a stronger sense of focus, so take advantage of these next 2 ½ days to get things in order and cross off your “to do” list. Issues concerning your basic daily obligations, your family, older people, authority figures and even parents will be brought to our attention when the Moon is in Capricorn.

People will expect you to keep your word, promises and deliver on that which you have committed yourself to. It’s also an ideal time to get rid of whatever is not working in your life, period. Whether it’s an old sweater, a bad relationship or items that no longer serve a purpose for you, throw them out! Get rid of any and all dead weight in your life. This is not the time to take a risk or gamble. Since Capricorn rules the bones and teeth, this is an excellent time for getting dental work done and scheduling appointments to see doctors. Capricorn holds rulership over banks, authority figures, fathers, the government and big businesses. Expect these topics to make the news for the next couple of days.

On a personal note, the signs of Capricorn and Cancer will be getting their way in love affairs, business and in general. The signs Capricorn and Cancer will be in the spotlight during this transit. They will possess extra sex appeal, radiate charm and be highly regarded in their personal and business affairs. These signs can expect things to come easily for them, so step aside and watch out for Capricorn and Cancer. They could turn out to surprise you with their popularity.